
英勇 yīngyǒng

英勇 yīngyǒng Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 3 English Translations of the word 英勇 yīngyǒng .

Pīnyīn Pronunciation
yīngyǒng | ying1 yong3
English translation

Learn the Chinese word 英勇 yīngyǒng in 7 easy steps:

About 英勇 yīngyǒng

Read some general information about the Chinese word 英勇 yīngyǒng .

Traditional form

英勇 yīngyǒng

Part of speech

Name of a person / 人名 rén míng Rénmíng
Spread the word

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Etymology of 英勇 yīngyǒng

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word 英勇 yīngyǒng .





Phonosemantic compound. cǎo represents the meaning and yāng represents the sound.

Phonetic compound


Semantic compound


Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes





Phonosemantic compound. represents the meaning and yǒng represents the sound.

Phonetic compound


Semantic compound

Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes


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Chinese word 英勇 yīngyǒng .
     Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
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Example sentences using 英勇 yīngyǒng

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 英勇 yīngyǒng in different contexts.

黄继光 de 英勇 yīngyǒng 事迹 shìjì 尽人皆知 jìn rén jiē zhī .

Huang Jiguang's gallant deed is known by all men.

āi ,现在 xiànzài zhè tiáo xiǎo 汽船 qì chuán , xiàng 所有 suǒyǒu 其他 qítā 英勇 yīngyǒng 殉难 xùn nàn de 小汽船一样 yīyàng , dōu 永垂不朽 yǒng chuí bù xiǔ .

But now -- look -- this little steamer, like all her brave and battered sisters, is immortal.

zài 战争 zhànzhēng Zhōng de 英勇 yīngyǒng 行为 xíngwéi 后来 hòulái bèi 改编 gǎi biān Chéng 一部电影 diànyǐng

His wartime exploits were later made into a film.

所有人起立 qǐ lì wéi 不可磨灭 bù kě mó miè de 英勇 yīngyǒng 之举鼓掌 gǔzhǎng

Every person stood to applaud his unforgettable act of courage.

不能 bù néng 判定 pàn dìng 到底 dàodǐ shì 英勇无畏还是 háishi 精神失常

I couldn't decide whether he was incredibly brave or just insane.

英勇 yīngyǒng Decomposition

See the 7 Chinese characters that make up 英勇 yīngyǒng and their own compounds.

英勇 yīngyǒng Compounds

See all 18 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 英勇 yīngyǒng in their composition.

  • Yīng
    • yīng , yīng , yīng , Yīng , yīng , yīng , yīng , yīng , , , , , , , , , ,
  • yǒng
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    Come for Knowledge. Stay for Wisdom.

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