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Chóng Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 8 English Translations of the word Chóng .

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Pīnyīn Pronunciation
Chóng | Chong2
English translation
surname Chong
to esteem
to worship
high, dignified; to esteem, to honor

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About Chóng

Read some general information about the Chinese word Chóng .

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Number of strokes


Traditional form


Contains the radical


Part of speech

Status morpheme / 状态语素 Zhuàngtài yǔsù

Learning hint


Etymology of Chóng

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word Chóng .

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Positional decomposition


Semantic compound


Phonetic compound



Phonosemantic compound. Shān represents the meaning and Zōng represents the sound.

Write it!

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Chinese word Chóng .
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Example sentences using Chóng

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word Chóng in different contexts.

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数百 shù bǎi míng de 崇拜者 chóng bài zhě 包围 bāowéi le zhè 位著名作家 zuòjiā .

Hundreds of admirers besieged the famous writer.

zài 德国 Dé guó , Zhōng dōng 时节 shí jié 人们 rén men 尊崇 zūn chóng Fēi 基督教 Jī dū jiào Shén 奥登.

In Germany, people honored pagan god Oden during the mid - winter holiday.

如此 rú cǐ 崇高 chónggāo 地位 dìwèi de rén , yǒu diǎn ǎi , Ā 济兹.

For a man of such high rank, you're kind of short, Aziz.

张晓东 hěn 推崇 tuī chóng 富兰克林 Fù lán kè lín de 风险 fēngxiǎn 控制 kòngzhì 体系 tǐxì .

Zhang Xiaodong, a very respected Franklin's risk control system.

wèn : yòu chě dào 生殖 shēng zhí 崇拜 chóngbài 上头 shàng tóu le ?

How say and pull to grew adoration to go above?

Words with Chóng

Explore 22 words and sayings that include the Chinese character Chóng in their composition.

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崇拜 chóngbài to worship崇拜 chóngbài
崇高 chónggāo majestic崇高 chónggāo
崇尚 chóng shàng to revere崇尚 chóng shàng
推崇 tuī chóng to esteem推崇 tuī chóng
崇拜者 chóng bài zhě worshipper崇拜者 chóng bài zhě
Chóng high Chóng
崇敬 chóngjìng to revere崇敬 chóngjìng
尊崇 zūn chóng to revere尊崇 zūn chóng
崇祯 Chóng zhēn Chongzhen, reign name of last Ming emperor (1628-1644)崇禎
崇明 Chóng míng Chongming island county, Shanghai崇明 Chóng míng
崇文区 Chóng wén qū Chongwen district of central Beijing崇文區
崇山峻岭 chóng shān jùn lǐng towering mountains and precipitous ridges (idiom)崇山峻嶺
崇洋媚外 chóng yáng mèi wài to revere everything foreign and pander to overseas powers (idiom); blind worship of foreign goods and ideas崇洋媚外 chóng yáng mèi wài
崇文门 Chóng wén mén Chongwenmen gate in Beijing崇文門
崇州 Chóng zhōu Chongzhou county level city in Chengdu 成都 Chéng dū [Chéng​dū], Sichuan崇州 Chóng zhōu
崇明岛 Chóng míng Dǎo Chongming Island崇明島
白崇禧 Bái Chóng xǐ Bai Chongxi (1893-1966), a leader of Guangxi warlord faction, top Nationalist general, played important role in Chiang Kaishek's campaigns 1926-1949白崇禧 Bái Chóng xǐ
崇州市 Chóng zhōu shì Chongzhou county level city in Chengdu 成都 Chéng dū [Chéng​dū], Sichuan崇州市 Chóng zhōu shì
崇洋 chóng yáng to idolize foreign things崇洋 chóng yáng
崇左 Chóng zuǒ Chongzuo prefecture-level city in Guangxi崇左 Chóng zuǒ
崇阳 Chóng yáng Chongyang county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁 Xián níng [Xián​níng], Hubei崇陽
崇左市 Chóng zuǒ shì Chongzuo prefecture-level city in Guangxi崇左市 Chóng zuǒ shì

Chóng Decomposition & Compounds

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Chóng Decomposition

See the 4 Chinese characters that make up Chóng and their own compounds.

Chóng Compounds

See all 1 Chinese words that contain the character Chóng in their composition.

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A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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