Traditional form
偏見Part of speech
Verb / 动词 dòng cí DòngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 偏见 piānjiàn .
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ready to practice writing it yourself.
Example sentences using 偏见 piānjiàn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 偏见 piānjiàn in different contexts.
是 shì 撇开 piē kāi 旧 jiù 偏见 piānjiàn 的 de 时候 shíhou 了 le .
It is the time we lay aside old prejudices.
英国广播公司 Yīng guó Guǎng bō Gōng sī 因 yīn 被 bèi 指 zhǐ 具有 jù yǒu 政治 zhèngzhì 偏见 piānjiàn 而 ér 遭到 zāo dào 猛烈 měngliè 抨击 pēng jī 。
There were fierce attacks on the BBC for alleged political bias.
我 wǒ 一辈子 yībèizi 都 dōu 在 zài 同 tóng 种族主义 zhǒng zú zhǔ yì 和 hé 偏见 piānjiàn 作 zuò 斗争 dòuzhēng 。
I've spent a lifetime fighting against racism and prejudice.