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Chinese word 隻 zhī .
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Words with 隻 zhī
Explore 22 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 隻 zhī in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
只 zhǐ | only | 只 zhǐ | |
只是 zhǐ shì | merely | 只是 zhǐ shì | |
只要 zhǐyào | if only | 只要 zhǐyào | |
只能 zhǐ néng | can only | 只能 zhǐ néng | |
只不过 zhǐ bu guò | only | 只不過 | |
只好 zhǐhǎo | to have to | 只好 zhǐhǎo | |
只得 zhǐ dé | to be obliged to | 只得 zhǐ dé | |
只怕 zhǐ pà | perhaps | 只怕 zhǐ pà | |
船只 chuán zhī | ship | 船隻 | |
不只 bù zhǐ | not only | 不只 bù zhǐ | |
只顾 zhǐ gù | engrossed | 只顧 | |
只管 zhǐ guǎn | simply | 只管 zhǐ guǎn | |
只身 zhī shēn | alone | 隻身 | |
只字不提 zhī zì bù tí | to censor | 隻字不提 | |
舰只 jiàn zhī | warship | 艦隻 | |
只言片语 zhǐ yán piàn yǔ | just a word or two (idiom); a few isolated phrases | 只言片語 | |
只读 zhǐ dú | read-only (computing) | 只讀 | |
只争朝夕 zhǐ zhēng zhāo xī | to seize every minute (idiom) | 只爭朝夕 | |
形单影只 xíng dān yǐng zhī | lonely soul | 形單影隻 | |
只消 zhǐ xiāo | to only need | 只消 zhǐ xiāo | |
三只手 sān zhī shǒu | pickpocket | 三隻手 | |
只欠东风 zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng | all we need is an east wind (idiom); lacking only one tiny crucial item | 只欠東風 |
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