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Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 資 zī .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Words with 資 zī
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 資 zī in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
投资 tóuzī | investment | 投資 | |
资料 zīliào | material | 資料 | |
资金 zījīn | funds | 資金 | |
资源 Zīyuán | resource (such as manpower or tourism) | 資源 | |
资格 zīgé | seniority | 資格 | |
工资 gōngzī | wages | 工資 | |
资产 zīchǎn | property | 資產 | |
投资者 tóu zī zhě | investor | 投資者 | |
资本 zīběn | capital (economics) | 資本 | |
资助 zīzhù | to subsidize | 資助 | |
资 zī | resources | 資 zī | |
融资 róng zī | financing | 融資 | |
资本主义 zī běn zhǔ yì | capitalism | 資本主義 | |
外资 wài zī | foreign investment | 外資 | |
物资 wùzī | goods | 物資 | |
资讯 zī xùn | information | 資訊 | |
资深 zīshēn | senior | 資深 | |
投资人 tóu zī rén | investor | 投資人 | |
合资 hé zī | joint venture | 合資 | |
出资 chū zī | to fund | 出資 | |
资产阶级 zī chǎn jiē jí | the capitalist class | 資產階級 | |
资本市场 zī běn shì chǎng | capital market | 資本市場 | |
资料库 zī liào kù | database | 資料庫 | |
资质 zī zhì | aptitude | 資質 | |
资历 zī lì | qualifications | 資歷 |
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