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Words with 瑤 yáo
Explore 18 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 瑤 yáo in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
瑶 yáo | jade | 瑤 yáo | |
琼瑶 Qióng Yáo | Chiung Yao (1938-), Taiwanese writer | 瓊瑤 | |
瑶族 Yáo zú | Yao ethnic group of southwest China and southeast Asia | 瑤族 | |
瑶池 Yáo chí | the Jade lake on Mount Kunlun, residence of Xi Wangmu 西王母 Xī wáng mǔ | 瑤池 | |
瑶海区 Yáo hǎi qū | Yaohai district of Hefei city 合肥市 Hé féi shì [Héféishì], Anhui | 瑤海區 | |
瑶海 Yáo hǎi | Yaohai district of Hefei city 合肥市 Hé féi shì [Héféishì], Anhui | 瑤海 | |
都安瑶族自治县 Dū ān Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Du'an Yao autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州 Hè zhōu [Hèzhōu], Guangxi | 都安瑤族自治縣 | |
恭城瑶族自治县 Gōng chéng Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Guilin 桂林 Guì lín [Guìlín], Guangxi | 恭城瑤族自治縣 | |
巴马瑶族自治县 Bā mǎ Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Bama Yaozu autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州 Hè zhōu [Hèzhōu], Guangxi | 巴馬瑤族自治縣 | |
江华瑶族自治县 Jiāng huá Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Jianghua Yaozu autonomous county in Yongzhou 永州 Yǒng zhōu [Yǒngzhōu], Hunan | 江華瑤族自治縣 | |
乳源瑶族自治县 Rǔ yuán Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关 Sháo guān [Sháoguān], Guangdong | 乳源瑤族自治縣 | |
大化瑶族自治县 Dà huà Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Dahua Yao Autonomous County in Hezhou 賀州|贺州 Hè zhōu [Hèzhōu], Guangxi | 大化瑤族自治縣 | |
金秀瑶族自治县 Jīn xiù Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Jinxiu Yao autonomous county in Laibin 來賓|来宾 Lái bīn [Láibīn], Guangxi | 金秀瑤族自治縣 | |
连南瑶族自治县 Lián nán Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Liannan Yao Autonomous County in Qingyuan 清遠|清远 Qīng yuǎn [Qīngyuǎn], Guangdong | 連南瑤族自治縣 | |
富川瑶族自治县 Fù chuān Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Fuchuan Yao autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州 Hè zhōu [Hèzhōu], Guangxi | 富川瑤族自治縣 | |
金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县 Jīn píng Miáo zú Yáo zú Dǎi zú Zì zhì xiàn | Jinping Miao, Yao and Dai autonomous county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州|红河哈尼族彝族自治州 Hóng hé Hā ní zú Yí zú zì zhì zhōu [HónghéHānízúYízúZìzhìzhōu], Yunnan | 金平苗族瑤族傣族自治縣 | |
河口瑶族自治县 Hé kǒu Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Hekou Yaozu autonomous county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州|红河哈尼族彝族自治州 Hóng hé Hā ní zú Yí zú zì zhì zhōu [HónghéHānízúYízúZìzhìzhōu], Yunnan | 河口瑤族自治縣 | |
连山壮族瑶族自治县 Lián shān Zhuàng zú Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn | Lianshan Zhuang and Yao autonomous county in Qingyuan 清远 Qīng yuǎn , Guangdong | 連山壯族瑤族自治縣 |
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