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Pīnyīn Pronunciation
sè | se4
English translation
a large string instrument; to tremble, to vibrate

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Number of strokes


Traditional form

Contains the radical


Part of speech

Noun morpheme / 名语素 Míng yǔsù

Learning hint

guitar strings

Etymology of

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word .

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Positional decomposition


Semantic compound


Phonetic compound


Phonosemantic compound. jué represents the meaning and represents the sound.

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Example sentences using

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word in different contexts.

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亚瑟 Yà sè : yòu gēn 那位新人 xīn rén , Dōng kěn .

Arthur: He's hanging out with that new guy, Duncan, again.

人们 rén men 盛传 shèng chuán zhāo 富兰克林 Fù lán kè lín ·罗斯福 Luó sī fú 约瑟夫 Yuē sè fū ·斯大林 Sī dà lín 之间 zhī jiān de 电话 diàn huà 交谈 jiāo tán .

A telephone conversation is reputed to have taken place between Franklin D . Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin.

说话 shuōhuà de 时候 shíhou 约瑟夫 Yuē sè fū duān zhāo pén 牛奶 niúnǎi 回来 huí lai le , 并且 bìngqiě fàng zài 林敦面前 miàn qián .

While he was speaking, Joseph returned bearing a basin of milk - porridge, and placed it before Linton.

我们 wǒmen 不久前 bù jiǔ qián 讲到 jiǎng dào 凯瑟琳 Kǎi sè lín 决心 juéxīn 破斧 chēn zhōu .

We left her just now declaring that she would burn her ships behind her.

chuàng 43:17家宰 jiù 遵着约瑟 Yuē sè de mìng háng , lǐng 他们 tā men jìn 约瑟的屋里.

Gen as Joseph told him and took the men to Joseph's house.

Words with

Explore 16 words and sayings that include the Chinese character in their composition.

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a type of standing harp, smaller than konghou 箜篌 kōng hóu , with 5-25 strings
亚瑟 Yà sè Arthur (name)亞瑟
凯瑟琳 Kǎi sè lín Katherine凱瑟琳
约瑟夫 Yuē sè fū Joseph (name)約瑟夫
卢瑟 lú sè loser (loanword)盧瑟
瑟瑟 sè sè trembling瑟瑟 sè sè
麦克阿瑟 Mài kè ā sè General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), US commander in Pacific during WW2, sacked in 1951 by President Truman for exceeding orders during the Korean war麥克阿瑟
瑟瑟发抖 sè sè fā dǒu to shiver瑟瑟發抖
萧瑟 xiāo sè to rustle蕭瑟
约瑟 Yuē sè Joseph (name)約瑟
阿瑟 Ā sè Arthur (name)阿瑟 Ā sè
李约瑟 Lǐ Yuē sè Joseph Needham (1900-1995), British biochemist and author of Science and Civilization in China李約瑟
琴瑟 qín sè marital harmony琴瑟 qín sè
亚瑟王 Yà sè wáng King Arthur亞瑟王
瑟缩 sè suō to shrink瑟縮
卢瑟福 Lú sè fú Rutherford (name)盧瑟福

Decomposition & Compounds

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A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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