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Pīnyīn Pronunciation
xú | xu2
English translation
slowly, quietly, calmly; dignified, composed

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Number of strokes


Traditional form

Contains the radical


Part of speech

Name of a person / 人名 rén míng Rénmíng

Learning hint


Etymology of

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word .

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Positional decomposition


Semantic compound


Phonetic compound


Phonosemantic compound. chì represents the meaning and represents the sound.

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Example sentences using

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旅行家徐霞客 Xú Xiá kè Zēng 两度登临 dēng lín .

Xu Xiake, a great Chinese traveler visited this place twice.

周仲伟 de huà Huán méi wán , 徐曼丽 那红春春 de qiào liǎn ér dǒu de biàn le .

Before Chou Chung - wei had finished what he was saying, Hsu Man - li's pretty face suddenly clouded over.

chuán 徐徐 xú xú 离岸 lí àn .

The ship edged away from the shore.

yǒu de Huán wèi 厌倦 yàn juàn chuán 一样 yīyàng de 徐徐 xú xú 的划 háng .

Some had not yet wearied of their gentle boat - like paddling.

心里 xīn li 一动,立即 lìjí 调转 diào zhuǎn 车头, Cháo 华北 Huá běi jiā de 方向 fāngxiàng dēng .

Immediately he changed direction and pedalled to Xu Huabei's house.

Words with

Explore 18 words and sayings that include the Chinese character in their composition.

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徐徐 xú xú slowly徐徐 xú xú
徐州 Xú zhōu Xuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu徐州 Xú zhōu
徐克 Xú Kè Tsui Hark (1951-), Chinese movie director and producer徐克 Xú Kè
徐志摩 Xú Zhì mó Xu Zhimo (1897-1931), writer and poet徐志摩 Xú Zhì mó
徐家汇 Xú jiā huì Xujiahui, an area in 徐匯區|徐汇区 Xú huì qū [Xú​huì​qū], Xuhui district, central Shanghai徐家匯
徐汇区 Xú huì qū Xuhui district, central Shanghai徐匯區
徐州市 Xú zhōu shì Xuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu徐州市 Xú zhōu shì
林则徐 Lín Zé xú Lin Zexu or Lin Tse-hsu "Commissioner Lin" (1785-1850), Qing official whose anti-opium activities led to first Opium war with Britain 1840-1842林則徐
徐悲鸿 Xú Bēi hóng Xu Beihong (1895-1953), famous European trained painter and influential art teacher徐悲鴻
徐匡迪 Xú Kuāng dí Xu Kuangdi (1937-), PRC politician and former mayor of Shanghai徐匡迪 Xú Kuāng dí
徐步 xú bù to stroll徐步 xú bù
徐福 Xú Fú Xu Fu (3rd century BC), Qin dynasty court necromancer徐福 Xú Fú
徐霞客 Xú Xiá kè Xu Xiake (1587-1641), Ming dynasty travel writer and geographer, author of Xu Xiake's Travel Diaries 徐霞客遊記|徐霞客游记 Xú Xiá kè Yóu jì [Xú​Xiá​kè​Yóu​jì]徐霞客 Xú Xiá kè
徐光启 Xú Guāng qǐ Xu Guangqi (1562-1633), agricultural scientist, astronomer, and mathematician in the Ming dynasty徐光啟
徐闻 Xú wén Xuwen county in Zhanjiang 湛江 Zhàn jiāng [Zhàn​jiāng], Guangdong徐聞
徐俊 Xú Jùn Xu Jun (1962-), Chinese Chinese chess grandmaster徐俊 Xú Jùn
徐世昌 Xú Shì chāng Xu Shichang (1855-1939), politician associated with the Northern Warlords, president of China in 1921徐世昌 Xú Shì chāng

Decomposition & Compounds

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Recommended Books for Learning Mandarin Chinese



A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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