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Chinese word 堅 jiān .
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Words with 堅 jiān
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 堅 jiān in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
坚持 jiānchí | to persevere with | 堅持 | |
坚强 jiānqiáng | staunch | 堅強 | |
坚决 jiānjué | firm | 堅決 | |
坚定 jiāndìng | firm | 堅定 | |
坚信 jiān xìn | to believe firmly | 堅信 | |
坚 jiān | strong | 堅 jiān | |
坚守 jiān shǒu | to hold fast to | 堅守 | |
坚实 jiānshí | solid | 堅實 | |
坚果 jiān guǒ | nut | 堅果 | |
坚固 jiāngù | firm | 堅固 | |
坚硬 jiānyìng | hard | 堅硬 | |
坚定不移 jiān dìng bù yí | unswerving | 堅定不移 | |
坚持不懈 jiān chí bù xiè | to persevere unremittingly (idiom); to keep going until the end | 堅持不懈 | |
坚韧 jiānrèn | tenacious | 堅韌 | |
坚挺 jiān tǐng | firm and upright | 堅挺 | |
中坚 zhōng jiān | core | 中堅 | |
坚毅 jiān yì | firm and persistent | 堅毅 | |
坚不可摧 jiān bù kě cuī | invulnerable, indestructible, impregnable | 堅不可摧 | |
坚称 jiān chēng | to claim | 堅稱 | |
美利坚 Měi lì jiān | America | 美利堅 | |
坚忍 jiān rěn | persevering | 堅忍 | |
坚韧不拔 jiān rèn bù bá | firm and indomitable (idiom); tenacious and unyielding | 堅韌不拔 | |
无坚不摧 wú jiān bù cuī | nothing one can't do | 無堅不摧 | |
孙坚 Sūn Jiān | Sun Jian (155-191), famous general at end of Han dynasty, forerunner of the southern kingdom of Wu of the Three Kingdoms | 孫堅 |
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