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Words with 丟 diū
Explore 16 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 丟 diū in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
丢 diū | to lose | 丟 diū | |
丢失 diū shī | to lose | 丟失 | |
丢掉 diū diào | to lose | 丟掉 | |
丢脸 diū liǎn | to lose face | 丟臉 | |
丢人 diūrén | to lose face | 丟人 | |
丢弃 diū qì | to discard | 丟棄 | |
丢下 diū xià | to abandon | 丟下 | |
丢人现眼 diū rén xiàn yǎn | to be a disgrace | 丟人現眼 | |
丢开 diū kāi | to cast or put aside | 丟開 | |
丢面子 diū miàn zi | to lose face | 丟面子 | |
丢三落四 diūsānlàsì | forgetful | 丟三落四 | |
丢丑 diū chǒu | to lose face | 丟丑 | |
丢手 diū shǒu | to wash one's hands of sth | 丟手 | |
丢饭碗 diū fàn wǎn | to lose one's job | 丟飯碗 | |
丢魂落魄 diū hún luò pò | dazed | 丟魂落魄 | |
灰不溜丢 huī bu liū diū | gloomy and dull (idiom) | 灰不溜丟 |
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