Traditional form
風度Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 风度 fēngdù .
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Example sentences using 风度 fēngdù
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 风度 fēngdù in different contexts.
他们 tā men 优雅 yōu yǎ 的 de 风度 fēngdù 不足 bùzú ,却 què 有 yǒu 一 yī 股 gǔ 子 zǐ 愣劲.
What they lacked in parlor grace they made up for in determination.
她 tā 是 shì 个 gè 不折不扣 bù zhé bù kòu 的 de 乡下 xiāng xia 笨 bèn 姑娘 gūniang , 谈不上 tán bu shàng 风度 fēngdù 仪表 yí biǎo , 而且 érqiě 几乎 jīhū 谈不上 tán bu shàng 美貌 měi mào .
She is the merest awkward country girl, without style or elegrance, and almost without beauty.
我 wǒ 多么 duōme 应 Yìng 该 gāi 和 hé 他们 tā men 的 de 风度 fēngdù 东钟西应啊 ā !
How I should chime in with their manners!