Traditional form
顫抖Part of speech
Verb / 动词 dòng cí DòngcíWrite it!
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Example sentences using 颤抖 chàndǒu
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 颤抖 chàndǒu in different contexts.
矮 ǎi 个 gè 的 de 汉子 hàn zi 用 yòng 颤抖 chàndǒu 的 de 声音 shēngyīn 说 shuì .
The little man's voice was shaky.
她 tā 攥 zuàn 紧 jǐn 双手 shuāng shǒu 放在腿 tuǐ 上 shǎng ,以 yǐ 掩饰 yǎnshì 其 qí 颤抖 chàndǒu .
She clenched her hands in her lap to hide their trembling.
他 tā 的 de 手臂 shǒu bì 搀 chān 起 qǐ 她 tā 时 shí 颤抖 chàndǒu 着 zhāo , 并 bìng 扶 fú 住 zhù 了 le 她的头 tóu .
His arm trembled as it raised her, and supported her head.