镇 zhèn
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镇 zhèn Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 11 English Translations of the word 镇 zhèn .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- zhèn | zhen4
- English translation
- to press down
- to calm
- to subdue
- to suppress
- to guard
- garrison
- small town
- to cool or chill (food or drinks)
- calm, composed; to control, to suppress
Learn the Chinese word 镇 zhèn in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 镇 zhèn .
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Example sentences using 镇 zhèn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 镇 zhèn in different contexts.
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他们 tā men 窜 cuàn 过 Guò 边界 biānjiè 上 shǎng 的 de 村镇 cūn zhèn , 剥人头皮 tóu pí ,把 bǎ 一家 yī jiā 一家人 yī jiā rén 杀死 shā sǐ .
Slipping past the frontier towns, they were scalping and killing whole families.
村庄 cūn zhuāng 座落 zuò luò 在 zài 城镇 chéng zhèn 之 zhī 东 Dōng 十五 shí wǔ 哩 lī 处 chǔ .
The village is 15 miles east of the town.
我 wǒ 今天 jīntiān 上午 shàngwǔ 在 zài 镇上碰到 pèng dào 了 le 过去 guòqu 教过我 wǒ 的 de 老师 lǎoshī .
I knocked into my old teacher in the town this morning.
Words with 镇 zhèn
Explore 22 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 镇 zhèn in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
镇 zhèn | to calm | 鎮 zhèn | |
城镇 chéng zhèn | town | 城鎮 | |
小镇 xiǎo zhèn | small town | 小鎮 | |
乡镇 xiāngzhèn | village | 鄉鎮 | |
镇定 zhèndìng | calm | 鎮定 | |
镇静 zhènjìng | calm | 鎮靜 | |
镇压 zhèn yā | suppression | 鎮壓 | |
镇静剂 zhèn jìng jì | tranquilizer | 鎮靜劑 | |
镇长 zhèn zhǎng | town headman | 鎮長 | |
镇痛 zhèn tòng | analgesic | 鎮痛 | |
村镇 cūn zhèn | hamlet (place) | 村鎮 | |
坐镇 zuò zhèn | to oversee | 坐鎮 | |
城镇化 chéng zhèn huà | urbanization | 城鎮化 | |
镇江 Zhèn jiāng | Zhenjiang prefecture level city in Jiangsu | 鎮江 | |
冰镇 bīng zhèn | iced | 冰鎮 | |
集镇 jí zhèn | town | 集鎮 | |
景德镇 Jǐng dé zhèn | Jingdezhen prefecture-level city in Jiangxi province 江西 Jiāng xī , famous for porcelain | 景德鎮 | |
重镇 zhòng zhèn | strategic town | 重鎮 | |
市镇 shì zhèn | small town | 市鎮 | |
镇守 zhèn shǒu | to protect | 鎮守 | |
镇住 zhèn zhù | to dominate | 鎮住 | |
镇海 Zhèn hǎi | Zhenhai district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市 Níng bō shì [Níngbōshì], Zhejiang | 鎮海 |