Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 跌 diē .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice.
To complete this step you need to write the word once.
Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 跌 diē
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 跌 diē in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
他 tā 从 Cóng 台阶 táijiē 上 shǎng 跌 diē 下 xià 来 lái ,擦 cā 破 pò 了 le 小腿 xiǎo tuǐ 上 shǎng 的 de 皮 Pí .
He fell down the steps and barked his shins.
“ 收盘 shōu pán 时 shí 跌 diē 了 le 半 bàn 元 Yuán .
" The session closed with a drop of half a dollar, " he muttered.
Words with 跌 diē
Explore 22 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 跌 diē in their composition.
To complete this step you need to read and scroll down.
Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
跌 diē | to fall | 跌 diē | |
下跌 xià diē | to fall | 下跌 xià diē | |
跌倒 diē dǎo | to tumble | 跌倒 diē dǎo | |
跌幅 diē fú | decline (in value) | 跌幅 diē fú | |
跌落 diē luò | to fall | 跌落 diē luò | |
跌跌撞撞 diē die zhuàng zhuàng | to stagger along | 跌跌撞撞 diē die zhuàng zhuàng | |
暴跌 bào diē | (economics) to slump | 暴跌 bào diē | |
跌进 diē jìn | to fall into | 跌進 | |
狂跌 kuáng diē | crazy fall (in prices) | 狂跌 kuáng diē | |
跌价 diē jià | to fall in price | 跌價 | |
大跌 dà diē | large fall | 大跌 dà diē | |
跌停板 diē tíng bǎn | daily lower limit on the price of a stock | 跌停板 diē tíng bǎn | |
跌破 diē pò | to be injured or damaged as a result of a fall | 跌破 diē pò | |
跌宕 diē dàng | uninhibited | 跌宕 diē dàng | |
猛跌 měng diē | drop sharply (e.g. stock prices) | 猛跌 měng diē | |
跌跤 diē jiāo | to fall down | 跌跤 diē jiāo | |
跌打损伤 diē dǎ sǔn shāng | injury such as contusion, sprain or fracture from falling, blow etc | 跌打損傷 | |
回跌 huí diē | to fall back (of water level or share prices) | 回跌 huí diē | |
跌水 diē shuǐ | drop of height in waterway | 跌水 diē shuǐ | |
跌足 diē zú | to stamp one's foot (in anger) | 跌足 diē zú | |
跌交 diē jiāo | to fall down | 跌交 diē jiāo | |
跌宕昭彰 diē dàng zhāo zhāng | free | 跌宕昭彰 diē dàng zhāo zhāng |