Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 绣 xiù .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice.
To complete this step you need to write the word once.
Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 绣 xiù
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 绣 xiù in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
我 wǒ 在 zài 这 zhè 枕头 zhěntou 上 shǎng 绣 xiù 了 le 野花 yě huā .
I embroidered wild flowers on the pillow.
她 tā 拿 ná 起 qǐ 刺 cī 绣 xiù 活儿 huó r 绣 xiù 了 le 起来 qǐlai .
She picked up her embroidery and started stitching.
Words with 绣 xiù
Explore 10 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 绣 xiù in their composition.
To complete this step you need to read and scroll down.
Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
绣 xiù | to embroider | 繡 xiù | |
刺绣 cì xiù | to embroider | 刺繡 | |
绣花 xiù huā | to embroider | 繡花 | |
锦绣 jǐn xiù | beautiful | 錦繡 | |
锦绣前程 jǐn xiù qián chéng | bright future | 錦繡前程 | |
绣花鞋 xiù huā xié | embroidered shoes | 繡花鞋 | |
湘绣 Xiāng xiù | Hunan embroidery | 湘繡 | |
花拳绣腿 huā quán xiù tuǐ | highly embellished and ineffectual | 花拳繡腿 | |
锦心绣口 jǐn xīn xiù kǒu | (of writing) elegant and ornate | 錦心繡口 | |
刺绣品 cì xiù pǐn | embroidery | 刺繡品 |