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Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 6 English Translations of the word .

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Pīnyīn Pronunciation
yù | yu4
English translation
see 葷粥
>荤粥 Xūn yù [Xūn yù]
Pīnyīn Pronunciation
zhōu | zhou1
English translation
CL: wǎn [wǎn]
porridge, gruel, congee

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Number of strokes


Traditional form

Contains the radical

Part of speech

Noun / 名词 míng cí Míngcí

Learning hint

Steaming gōng  rice 

Etymology of

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word .

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Positional decomposition


Write it!

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Chinese word .
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Example sentences using

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word in different contexts.

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赤小豆 chì xiǎo dòu 熬成 de yòu xiāng yòu tián .

Porridge made of red beans is both savory and sweet.

我们 wǒmen 早餐 zǎo cān chī de shì 麦片 mài piàn .

We had gruel for the breakfast.

Huán 温和 wēnhé ne .

The porredge is still warm.

tài le .

This gruel is too thin.

hěn chóu .

The porridge is very thick.

Words with

Explore 9 words and sayings that include the Chinese character in their composition.

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一锅粥 yī guō zhōu (lit.) a pot of porridge一鍋粥
粥样硬化 zhōu yàng yìng huà atherosclerosis粥樣硬化
稀粥 xī zhōu water gruel稀粥 xī zhōu
腊八粥 là bā zhōu Laba congee, ceremonial rice porridge dish eaten on the 8th day of the 12th month in the Chinese calendar臘八粥
僧多粥少 sēng duō zhōu shǎo fig. not enough to go around僧多粥少 sēng duō zhōu shǎo
八宝粥 bā bǎo zhōu rice congee made with red beans, lotus seeds, longan, red dates, nuts etc八寶粥
米粥 mǐ zhōu congee米粥 mǐ zhōu
粥少僧多 zhōu shǎo sēng duō fig. not enough to go around粥少僧多 zhōu shǎo sēng duō

Decomposition & Compounds

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See the 3 Chinese characters that make up and their own compounds.


See all 1 Chinese words that contain the character in their composition.

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A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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