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Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 箭 jiàn .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 箭 jiàn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 箭 jiàn in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
土星 Tǔ xīng 火箭 huǒjiàn 的 de 三 Sān 节 jiē ,每 měi 节 jiē 都 dōu 按时 ànshí 发动 fādòng 了 le .
Each of the Saturn's three stages was fired on schedule.
三 Sān 角 Jué 翼 Yì 的 de 哥伦比亚 Gē lún bǐ yà 号 háo 航天飞机 háng tiān fēi jī 在 zài 进入 jìn rù 轨道 guǐdào 前 qián , 起飞 qǐfēi 两分钟 Zhōng 就 jiù 抛 pāo 下 xià 其 qí 两 liǎng 个 gè 助推火箭 huǒjiàn .
The delta - winged Columbia, before reaching the orbit, jettisoned its dual booster rockets two minutes into flight.
Words with 箭 jiàn
Explore 21 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 箭 jiàn in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
火箭 huǒjiàn | rocket | 火箭 huǒjiàn | |
箭 jiàn | arrow | 箭 jiàn | |
弓箭 gōng jiàn | bow and arrow | 弓箭 gōng jiàn | |
箭头 jiàn tóu | arrowhead | 箭頭 | |
射箭 shè jiàn | archery | 射箭 shè jiàn | |
火箭筒 huǒ jiàn tǒng | bazooka | 火箭筒 huǒ jiàn tǒng | |
火箭弹 huǒ jiàn dàn | rocket (artillery) | 火箭彈 | |
挡箭牌 dǎng jiàn pái | shield | 擋箭牌 | |
运载火箭 yùn zài huǒ jiàn | carrier rocket | 運載火箭 | |
火箭炮 huǒ jiàn pào | rocket artillery | 火箭炮 huǒ jiàn pào | |
暗箭 àn jiàn | a stab in the back | 暗箭 àn jiàn | |
箭步 jiàn bù | sudden big stride forward | 箭步 jiàn bù | |
一箭之仇 yī jiàn zhī chóu | old grievance | 一箭之仇 yī jiàn zhī chóu | |
一箭双雕 yī jiàn shuāng diāo | to kill two birds with one stone | 一箭雙鵰 | |
归心似箭 guī xīn sì jiàn | with one's heart set on speeding home (idiom) | 歸心似箭 | |
箭鱼 jiàn yú | swordfish | 箭魚 | |
万箭穿心 wàn jiàn chuān xīn | to lambaste | 萬箭穿心 | |
令箭 lìng jiàn | fig. instructions from one's superiors | 令箭 lìng jiàn | |
光阴似箭 guāng yīn sì jiàn | time flies like an arrow (idiom); How time flies! | 光陰似箭 | |
开弓没有回头箭 kāi gōng méi yǒu huí tóu jiàn | to have to finish what one started | 開弓沒有回頭箭 | |
箭镞 jiàn zú | arrowhead | 箭鏃 |
箭 jiàn Decomposition & Compounds
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