Traditional form
競賽Write it!
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Chinese word 竞赛 jìngsài .
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Example sentences using 竞赛 jìngsài
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 竞赛 jìngsài in different contexts.
再 zài 创 chuàng 猪 zhū 的 de 竞赛 jìngsài 也 Yě 并非 bìngfēi 深不可测 shēn bù kě cè .
The race to reinvent the pig is not hard to fathom.
你 nǐ 要 yāo 是 shì 想 xiǎng 在 zài 竞赛 jìngsài 中 Zhōng 赢 yíng 过杰基,就要 jiù yào 加把劲儿 ér 了 le .
You really must pull your socks up if you want to beat Jackie in the competition.
该 gāi 竞技场 jìng jì chǎng 为 wéi 四 sì 周 Zhōu 封闭式结构 jiégòu ,可以 kěyǐ 举行 jǔxíng 斗 Dǒu 剑 jiàn 、 格斗 gé dòu 、 斗 Dǒu 兽 shòu 及 jí 其 qí 他 tā 竞赛 jìngsài 项目 xiàngmù .
The amphitheater was a sealed off round structure . Swordplay, wresting, gladiatoral and other contests were held there.