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Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 牵 qiān .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 牵 qiān
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 牵 qiān in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
牧童 mù tóng 牵 qiān 着 zhāo 牛 Niú 淌 tǎng 过 Guò 浅 jiān 溪 xī .
The cowboy splashed his way across the shallow stream with his cow.
同型丝 sī 氨酸也 Yě 牵涉 qiān shè 到 dào 蛋氨酸 dàn ān suān 的 de 生物 shēngwù 合成 héchéng .
Homoserine has also been implicated in the biosynthesis of methionine.
“纺织品 fǎng zhī pǐn 制造商 zhì zào shāng ”一案牵涉 qiān shè 到 dào 对 duì 棉 mián 屑 xiè 管理 guǎnlǐ 标准 biāozhǔn 问题 wèntí .
Textile Manufacturers involved a standard regulating cotton dust.
Words with 牵 qiān
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 牵 qiān in their composition.
To complete this step you need to read and scroll down.
Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
牵 qiān | to lead along | 牽 qiān | |
牵扯 qiānchě | to involve | 牽扯 | |
牵涉 qiān shè | to involve | 牽涉 | |
牵连 qiān lián | to implicate | 牽連 | |
牵挂 qiān guà | to worry about | 牽掛 | |
牵引 qiān yǐn | to pull | 牽引 | |
牵头 qiān tóu | to take the lead | 牽頭 | |
牵制 qiānzhì | to control | 牽制 | |
牵动 qiān dòng | to affect | 牽動 | |
牵强 qiān qiǎng | far-fetched | 牽強 | |
顺手牵羊 shùn shǒu qiān yáng | to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain | 順手牽羊 | |
牵线 qiān xiàn | to pull strings | 牽線 | |
牵牛花 qiān niú huā | white-edged morning glory | 牽牛花 | |
牵绊 qiān bàn | to bind | 牽絆 | |
牵引力 qiān yǐn lì | motive force | 牽引力 | |
魂牵梦萦 hún qiān mèng yíng | to miss | 魂牽夢縈 | |
牵牛 Qiān niú | Altair (star) | 牽牛 | |
牵强附会 qiān qiǎng fù huì | to make an irrelevant comparison or interpretation (idiom) | 牽強附會 | |
牵着鼻子走 qiān zhe bí zi zǒu | to lead by the nose | 牽著鼻子走 | |
牵肠挂肚 qiān cháng guà dù | deeply worried (idiom); to feel anxious | 牽腸掛肚 | |
牵一发而动全身 qiān yī fà ér dòng quán shēn | lit. pull one hair and the whole body moves | 牽一髮而動全身 | |
魂牵梦绕 hún qiān mèng rào | to be captivated | 魂牽夢繞 | |
无牵无挂 wú qiān wú guà | to have no cares | 無牽無掛 | |
牵累 qiān lěi | to weigh down | 牽累 |