Traditional form
熄滅Part of speech
Verb / 动词 dòng cí DòngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 熄灭 xīmiè .
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Example sentences using 熄灭 xīmiè
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 熄灭 xīmiè in different contexts.
请 qǐng 乘客 chéng kè 在 zài 飞机 fēijī 起飞 qǐfēi 前 qián 熄灭 xīmiè 香烟 xiāng yān .
Would passengers please put out cigarettes before the commencement of the flight.
同时 tóngshí 白 Bái 蛋白 dàn bái 和 hé 甲胎蛋白的 de 合成 héchéng 被 bèi 熄灭 xīmiè .
At the same time that albumin and fetoprotein synthesis is extinguished.
这里 zhè lǐ 禁止 jìnzhǐ 吸 xī 烟 yān , 请 qǐng 将 jiāng 您 nín 的 de 烟 yān 熄灭 xīmiè .
Smoking is forbidden here. Please put your cigarette out.