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沉闷 chénmèn

沉闷 chénmèn Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 6 English Translations of the word 沉闷 chénmèn .

Pīnyīn Pronunciation
chénmèn | chen2 men4
English translation
oppressive (of weather)
not happy
(of sound) dull

Learn the Chinese word 沉闷 chénmèn in 7 easy steps:

About 沉闷 chénmèn

Read some general information about the Chinese word 沉闷 chénmèn .

Traditional form


Part of speech

Adjective / 形容词 xíng róng cí Xíngróng cí
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Etymology of 沉闷 chénmèn

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word 沉闷 chénmèn .





Phonosemantic compound. shuǐ represents the meaning and chēn represents the sound. Variant of chén .

Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes





Phonosemantic compound. xīn represents the meaning and Mén represents the sound. Simplified form of mèn .

Phonetic compound


Semantic compound


Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes


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Chinese word 沉闷 chénmèn .
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Example sentences using 沉闷 chénmèn

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 沉闷 chénmèn in different contexts.

de huà gěi 沉闷 chénmèn de 讲话 jiǎng huà 增添 zēngtiān le fēn 轻松 qīngsōng de 气氛 qìfēn .

His words provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech.

gǎn shuì zài 家里 jiā lǐ 感到 gǎn dào 沉闷 chénmèn 无聊 wúliáo .

I dare say you're dull at home.

只要 zhǐyào Néng 打破 dǎ pò 他们 tā men 日常 rìcháng 刻板 kè bǎn 沉闷 chénmèn de 生活 shēnghuó 任何 rènhé 事情 shìqing 他们 tā men dōu 喜欢 xǐhuan

They enjoy anything that breaks the dullness of their routine life.

ràng 这场总体 zǒng tǐ hěn 沉闷 chénmèn de 辩论 biànlùn 时不时 shí bù shí 迸出 le xiē 火花 huǒ huā

He managed to lighten the generally lifeless debate at times.

zài 东柏林就餐 jiù cān 曾经 céngjīng shì 一件危险 wēixiǎn 而且 érqiě 沉闷 chénmèn 无趣 wú qù de 事情 shìqing

Eating in East Berlin used to be a hazardous and joyless experience.

沉闷 chénmèn Decomposition

See the 5 Chinese characters that make up 沉闷 chénmèn and their own compounds.

沉闷 chénmèn Compounds

See all 1 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 沉闷 chénmèn in their composition.

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A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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