Traditional form
指責Part of speech
Verb / 动词 dòng cí DòngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 指责 zhǐzé .
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Example sentences using 指责 zhǐzé
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 指责 zhǐzé in different contexts.
她 tā 指责 zhǐzé 摩西 Mó xī 不该 bù gāi 雇用 gù yòng 私人 sīrén 侦探 zhēntàn 盯 dīng 她 tā 的 de 梢 shāo .
She accused Moses of hiring a private detective to spy on her.
他 tā 们 men 指责 zhǐzé 他 tā 歧视 qíshì 女 nǚ 雇员 gù yuán .
They accused him of having a prejudice against his women employees.
她 tā 的 de 话音 huà yīn 中 Zhōng 暗含 àn hán 指责 zhǐzé 的 de 意思 yìsi .
There was a hint of accusation in her voice.