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Chinese word 指令 zhǐlìng .
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Example sentences using 指令 zhǐlìng
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 指令 zhǐlìng in different contexts.
遵照 zūn zhào 首相 shǒu xiàng 的 de 明确 míngquè 指令 zhǐlìng ,那艘船 chuán 被 bèi 击沉 jī chén 了 le 。
The ship was sunk on express orders from the Prime Minister.
劳驾 láojià 你 nǐ 服从 fúcóng 我要给出的 de 指令 zhǐlìng 好不好 hǎo bu hǎo ?
Will you kindly obey the instructions I am about to give?
在 zài 企业 qǐyè 内部 nèibù ,拒 jù 不 bù 服从 fúcóng 指令 zhǐlìng 的 de 工人 gōngrén 会 huì 面临 miànlín 遭 zāo 解雇 jiěgù 的 de 威胁 wēixié 。
In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened with discharge.
指令 zhǐlìng Compounds
See all 56 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 指令 zhǐlìng in their composition.
- 指 zhǐ
- 令 Líng
- 冷 Lěng
- 唥
- 零 líng
- 澪, 蕶 líng , 燯
- 領 lǐng
- 嶺 lǐng
- 领 lǐng , 怜 lián , 邻 lín , 龄 líng , 铃 líng , 聆 líng , 玲 líng , 伶 líng , 岭 lǐng , 羚 líng , 拎 līn , 囹 líng , 泠 líng , 翎 líng , 呤 lìng , 昤 līng , 柃 líng , 瓴 líng , 笭 líng , 舲 líng , 苓 líng , 蛉 líng , 詅 líng , 軨 líng , 鸰 líng , 齢 líng , 刢, 坽, 姈, 岺, 彾, 朎, 炩, 狑, 皊, 矝, 砱, 秢, 竛, 紷, 衑, 袊, 跉, 鈴 líng , 閝, 阾, 駖, 魿, 鴒 líng , 鹷
- 齡 líng