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指令 zhǐlìng

指令 zhǐlìng Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 3 English Translations of the word 指令 zhǐlìng .

Pīnyīn Pronunciation
zhǐlìng | zhi3 ling4
English translation

Learn the Chinese word 指令 zhǐlìng in 7 easy steps:

About 指令 zhǐlìng

Read some general information about the Chinese word 指令 zhǐlìng .

Traditional form

指令 zhǐlìng

Part of speech

Noun / 名词 míng cí Míngcí
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Etymology of 指令 zhǐlìng

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word 指令 zhǐlìng .





Phonosemantic compound. shǒu represents the meaning and zhǐ represents the sound.

Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes





Depicts a person ( jié ) receiving commands from a mouth ( kǒu ) above them. Originally Líng and mìng were variations of the same character.

Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes


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Chinese word 指令 zhǐlìng .
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Example sentences using 指令 zhǐlìng

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 指令 zhǐlìng in different contexts.

遵照 zūn zhào 首相 shǒu xiàng de 明确 míngquè 指令 zhǐlìng 那艘 chuán bèi 击沉 jī chén le

The ship was sunk on express orders from the Prime Minister.

劳驾 láojià 服从 fúcóng 我要给出 de 指令 zhǐlìng 好不好 hǎo bu hǎo

Will you kindly obey the instructions I am about to give?

zài 企业 qǐyè 内部 nèibù 服从 fúcóng 指令 zhǐlìng de 工人 gōngrén huì 面临 miànlín zāo 解雇 jiěgù de 威胁 wēixié

In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened with discharge.

根据 gēnjù 欧盟 Ōu méng de 一项 Xīn 指令 zhǐlìng 杀虫剂 shā chóng jì de 标签 biāo qiān 标注 biāo zhù jiāng 更加 gèng jiā 明确 míngquè

Thanks to a new EU directive, insecticide labelling will be more specific.

不容置疑 bù róng zhì yí de 事实 shìshí shì 电脑 diànnǎo 执行 zhíxíng 逻辑 luóji 操作 cāozuò 指令 zhǐlìng

The indisputable fact is that computers carry out logical operations.

指令 zhǐlìng Decomposition

See the 6 Chinese characters that make up 指令 zhǐlìng and their own compounds.

指令 zhǐlìng Compounds

See all 56 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 指令 zhǐlìng in their composition.

  • zhǐ
    • Líng
      • Lěng
      • líng
        • , líng ,
      • lǐng
      • lǐng , lián , lín , líng , líng , líng , líng , líng , lǐng , líng , līn , líng , líng , líng , lìng , līng , líng , líng , líng , líng , líng , líng , líng , líng , líng , líng , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , líng , , , , 魿, líng ,
      • líng
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    Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

    The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

    Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

    Come for Knowledge. Stay for Wisdom.

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