Traditional form
手藝Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíType
Pictograph of a hand with five fingers.Positional decomposition
?Number of Strokes
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Example sentences using 手艺 shǒuyì
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 手艺 shǒuyì in different contexts.
你 nǐ 瞧 qiáo , 阿波罗 Ā bō luó 正在 zhèngzài 把 bǎ 剃刀 tì dāo 赠给我们 wǒmen 这项手艺 shǒuyì 的 de 特里泼托勒默斯.
Apollo, you see, is bestowing the razor on the Triptolemus of our craft.
这个 zhè ge 铁匠 tiě jiang 打 dá 马掌的 de 手艺 shǒuyì 很 hěn 高 Gāo .
The smith forges horseshoes with great skill.
这个 zhè ge 铁匠 tiě jiang 锻制马掌的 de 手艺 shǒuyì 很 hěn 高 Gāo .
The smith [ blacksmith ] forges horseshoes with great skill.
手艺 shǒuyì Compounds
See all 50 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 手艺 shǒuyì in their composition.
- 手 shǒu
- 拿 ná
- 镎 ná , 嗱, 鎿
- 摩 mó
- 嚤, 擵
- 掌 zhǎng
- 撑 chēng , 罉 chēng , 幥, 礃, 鐣
- 拳 quán
- 搼
- 攀 pān
- 襻 pàn , 鑻
- 挐 ná
- 蒘
- 拲
- 藆
- 攣 luán
- 癴
- 擎 qíng , 挚 Zhì , 挛 luán , 掰 bāi , 掣 chè , 摹 mó , 挲 sā , 挈 qiè , 擘 bāi , 摯 zhì , 挙 jǔ , 掔 qiān , 掱 pá , 揅 yán , 揫 jiū , 摮 aó , 摰 niè , 撃 jī , 撆 piē , 擥 lǎn , 杽 chǒu , 劧, 抙, 拏, 揧, 揱, 搫, 搻, 撀, 撉, 擊 jī , 擧, 擪, 藆
- 艺 yì
- 呓 yì