憋 biē
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憋 biē Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 7 English Translations of the word 憋 biē .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- biē | bie1
- English translation
- to choke
- to stifle
- to restrain
- to hold back
- to hold in (urine)
- to hold (one's breath)
- to stifle, to restrain, to choke; to suppress one's inner feelings
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Example sentences using 憋 biē
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 憋 biē in different contexts.
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他 tā 只 zhǐ 想 xiǎng 大声 dà shēng 叫 jiào 一阵 yī zhèn , 他 tā 觉 jiào 得 dé 自己 zìjǐ 快要 kuài yào 憋 biē 得 dé 透不过气来 lái 了 le .
He wanted to shout; he was suffocating.
弗烈特 tè 憋 biē 了 le 一肚子 yī dù zi 闷气,一直 yīzhí 在 zài 抽雪前烟 yān .
Freddie had been puffing on his cigar angrily.
德国 Dé guó 人 rén 早已 zǎo yǐ 严阵以待,他们 tā men 憋足了 le 气 qì , 还击 huán jī 起来 qǐlai 绝 jué 不 bù 手软 shǒu ruǎn .
The German lines are aroused and furious, return the fire cruelly.