嫌 xián
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嫌 xián Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 10 English Translations of the word 嫌 xián .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- xián | xian2
- English translation
- to dislike
- suspicion
- resentment
- enmity
- abbr. for 嫌犯 xián fàn [xián fàn], criminal suspect
- to hate, to detest; to criticize; to suspect
Learn the Chinese word 嫌 xián in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 嫌 xián .
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Example sentences using 嫌 xián
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 嫌 xián in different contexts.
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一 yī 天天 tiān tiān 过去 guòqu ,哈里 Hā lǐ 代 dài 的 de 评论 pínglùn 越来越 yuè lái yuè 肆无忌惮 sìwújìdàn ,越来越讨人 rén 嫌 xián ,越来越 yuè lái yuè 阴 Yīn 损 sǔn 了 le .
Halliday's comments grew daily more and more sparklingly disagreeable and disparaging.
这 zhè 篇 piān 文章 wénzhāng 内容 nèiróng 不错 bù cuò , 只是 zhǐ shì 文字 wénzì 略 lüè 嫌罗唆 suō .
The article is good in content, only it's a bit wordy.
这些 zhè xiē 人 rén 因 yīn 涉嫌 shè xián 犯 fàn 有 yǒu 夜盗罪 zuì 而 ér 被 bèi 拘留 jūliú .
The men were pulled in on suspicion of having committed a burglary.
Words with 嫌 xián
Explore 20 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 嫌 xián in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
嫌疑人 xián yí rén | a suspect | 嫌疑人 xián yí rén | |
嫌犯 xián fàn | criminal suspect | 嫌犯 xián fàn | |
涉嫌 shè xián | to be suspected of | 涉嫌 shè xián | |
嫌 xián | to dislike | 嫌 xián | |
嫌疑犯 xián yí fàn | a suspect | 嫌疑犯 xián yí fàn | |
嫌疑 xiányí | suspicion | 嫌疑 xiányí | |
嫌弃 xián qì | to ignore | 嫌棄 | |
前嫌 qián xián | former hatred | 前嫌 qián xián | |
避嫌 bì xián | to avoid arousing suspicion | 避嫌 bì xián | |
稍嫌 shāo xián | somewhat | 稍嫌 shāo xián | |
嫌恶 xián wù | to loathe | 嫌惡 | |
讨嫌 tǎo xián | hateful | 討嫌 | |
嫌贫爱富 xián pín aì fù | snobbish | 嫌貧愛富 | |
嫌隙 xián xì | hostility | 嫌隙 xián xì | |
讨人嫌 tǎo rén xián | unpleasant | 討人嫌 | |
尽释前嫌 jìn shì qián xián | to forget former enmity (idiom) | 盡釋前嫌 | |
嫌怨 xián yuàn | grievance | 嫌怨 xián yuàn | |
嫌忌 xián jì | suspicion | 嫌忌 xián jì | |
嫌厌 xián yàn | to loathe | 嫌厭 | |
夙嫌 sù xián | old grudge | 夙嫌 sù xián |