Traditional form
固執Part of speech
Adjective / 形容词 xíng róng cí Xíngróng cíWrite it!
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Chinese word 固执 gùzhí .
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Example sentences using 固执 gùzhí
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 固执 gùzhí in different contexts.
在 zài 另一方面 lìng yī fāng miàn ,那些 nà xiē 人 rén 固执己见 gù zhí jǐ jiàn ,不肯让步 ràngbù 。
On the other side, the men stood pat and were unyielding.
米克既 jì 固执 gùzhí 又 yòu 专横 zhuān hèng ,脾气 píqi 还 Huán 很 hěn 坏 huài 。
Mick was stubborn and domineering with a very bad temper.
我会不厌其烦 bù yàn qí fán 地 de 给 gěi 那个 nà ge 固执己见 gù zhí jǐ jiàn 的 de 澳大利亚 Aò dà lì yà 老头 lǎo tóu 讲道理。
And I'll buzz over to talk some sense into old Ocker.