Traditional form
動身Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíType
Pictograph of a person with an protruding midsection. The protruding midsection is variously explained as (1) representing the main part of a person's body, or (2) as representing a pregnant woman that has a body inside her body.Positional decomposition
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Example sentences using 动身 dòngshēn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 动身 dòngshēn in different contexts.
他 tā 看 kān 一眼 yī yǎn 手表 shǒubiǎo 说 shuì :“我 wǒ 想 xiǎng 我们 wǒmen 最好 zuìhǎo 动身 dòngshēn 吧 bā 。”
He glanced at his wristwatch. "I suppose we'd better make a move."
尼科尔斯动身 dòngshēn 去 qù 他 tā 在 zài 康涅狄格州 Kāng niè dí gé zhōu 的 de 偏僻 piānpì 农舍 nóng shè 了 le 。
Nichols set off for his remote farmhouse in Connecticut.