削 xiāo
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削 xiāo Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 8 English Translations of the word 削 xiāo .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- xiāo | xiao1
- English translation
- to peel with a knife
- to pare
- to cut (a ball at tennis etc)
- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- xuē | xue1
- English translation
- to pare
- to reduce
- to remove
- Taiwan pr. [xuè]
- to pare, to scrape, to trim
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Example sentences using 削 xiāo
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 削 xiāo in different contexts.
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现在 xiànzài 的 de 地形 dì xíng 起伏 qǐfú 超过 chāoguò 1000尺 chě 是 shì 削 xiāo 蚀 shí 作用 zuòyòng 造成 zàochéng 的 de .
The present relief of more than 1000 ft was due to excavation.
她 tā 用 yòng 一 yī 把 bǎ 锋利 fēnglì 的 de 刀 Dāo 削 xiāo 去 qù 厚厚的果皮 guǒ pí .
She pared off the thick peel with a sharp knife.
Words with 削 xiāo
Explore 17 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 削 xiāo in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
削 xiāo | to pare | 削 xiāo | |
削减 xuē jiǎn | to cut down | 削減 | |
削弱 xuēruò | to weaken | 削弱 xuēruò | |
剥削 bōxuē | to exploit | 剝削 | |
切削 qiē xiāo | to cut | 切削 qiē xiāo | |
剥削阶级 bō xuē jiē jí | exploiting class (in Marxist theory) | 剝削階級 | |
瘦削 shòu xuē | slim | 瘦削 shòu xuē | |
削球 xiāo qiú | to cut | 削球 xiāo qiú | |
剥削者 bō xuē zhě | exploiter (of labor) | 剝削者 | |
刀削面 dāo xiāo miàn | knife-shaved noodles (pared or shaved into strips), a Shanxi specialty | 刀削麵 | |
削价 xuē jià | to cut down the price | 削價 | |
削发 xuē fà | to shave one's head | 削髮 | |
削足适履 xuē zú shì lǚ | impractical or inelegant solution | 削足適履 | |
削除 xuē chú | to remove | 削除 xuē chú | |
削职为民 xuē zhí wéi mín | demotion to commoner (idiom) | 削職為民 | |
陡削 dǒu xiāo | precipitous | 陡削 dǒu xiāo | |
削波 xuē bō | clipping (signal processing) | 削波 xuē bō |
削 xiāo Decomposition & Compounds
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