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Chinese word 分散 fēnsàn .
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Example sentences using 分散 fēnsàn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 分散 fēnsàn in different contexts.
目 mù 的 de 考察 kǎochá 尼群地平固体 gùtǐ 分 fēn 散体 sǎn tǐ 微 Wēi 丸 wán 的 de 稳定性 wěn dìng xìng .
Objective To investigate the stability of Nitrendipine solid dispersion pellets.
固 gù 体 tǐ 中 Zhōng 的 de 分散 fēnsàn 体 tǐ 对于 duìyú 环境 huánjìng 工程师 gōngchéngshī 不 bù 重要 zhòngyào .
Dispersions in solids are of little consequence to environmental engineers.
他们 tā men 推荐 tuījiàn 这种 zhè zhǒng 方法 fāngfǎ 做 zuò 为 wéi 测定 cè dìng 银 yín 分散度的 de 方法 fāngfǎ .
They recommend this method as a measurement for determination of Ag dispersions.
分散 fēnsàn Compounds
See all 72 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 分散 fēnsàn in their composition.
- 分 fēn
- 芬 fēn
- 棻 fēn
- 盆 pén
- 湓 pén , 葐
- 紛 fēn
- 蒶
- 釁 xìn
- 虋
- 份 fèn , 粉 fěn , 扮 bàn , 贫 pín , 氛 fēn , 盼 pàn , 颁 bān , 寡 guǎ , 纷 fēn , 吩 fēn , 岔 chà , 掰 bāi , 酚 fēn , 忿 fèn , 玢 bīn , 兝 fēn kè , 坋 bèn , 坌 bèn , 攽 bān , 枌 fén , 棼 fén , 汾 fén , 瓰 fēn wǎ , 蚡 fén , 邠 bīn , 雰 fēn , 魵 fén , 鳻 fēn , 麄 cū , 鼢 fén , 兺, 哛, 妢, 岎, 帉, 弅, 昐, 朌, 梤, 椕, 炃, 瓫, 砏, 秎, 竕, 羒, 翂, 聁, 肦, 蚠
- 衯, 訜, 貧 pín , 躮, 鈖, 頒 bān , 馚, 黺
- 散 sàn