兜 dōu
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兜 dōu Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 10 English Translations of the word 兜 dōu .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- dōu | dou1
- English translation
- bag
- to wrap up or hold in a bag
- to move in a circle
- to canvas or solicit
- to take responsibility for
- to disclose in detail
- combat armor (old)
- old variant of 兜 dōu [dōu]
- pouch
Learn the Chinese word 兜 dōu in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
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Chinese word 兜 dōu .
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Example sentences using 兜 dōu
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 兜 dōu in different contexts.
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兜 dōu 匀 yún 后 Hòu 洒 sǎ 上 shǎng 欧 Ōu 芹 qín 末 mò 即可 jí kě 食用 shí yòng .
Toss to mix through then over with the chopped parsley before serving.
天气 tiānqì 很 hěn 棒 bàng ,我 wǒ 想 xiǎng 开车 kāi chē 出去 chū qù 兜兜 dōu dou 风 fēng .
The weather is so nice that I to go for a drive.
摄影记者 shè yǐng jì zhě 们 men 的 de 长短 cháng duǎn 火炮 huǒ pào 的 de 镜头 jìngtóu 踊 yǒng 簇 cù 着 zhāo 我们 wǒmen 兜 dōu 圈圈 quān quan 照相 zhào xiàng .
Photographers from the press would crowd around us to take pictures.
Words with 兜 dōu
Explore 14 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 兜 dōu in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
兜 dōu | bag | 兜 dōu | |
兜风 dōu fēng | to catch the wind | 兜風 | |
兜售 dōu shòu | to hawk | 兜售 dōu shòu | |
兜兜 dōu dou | an undergarment covering chest and abdomen | 兜兜 dōu dou | |
兜圈子 dōu quān zi | to encircle | 兜圈子 dōu quān zi | |
衣兜 yī dōu | 衣兜 yī dōu | ||
吃不了兜着走 chī bu liǎo dōu zhe zǒu | fig. you'll have to take the consequences | 吃不了兜著走 | |
兜头 dōu tóu | full in the face | 兜頭 | |
兜底 dōu dǐ | to reveal | 兜底 dōu dǐ | |
兜儿 dōu r | bag | 兜兒 | |
兜揽 dōu lǎn | to solicit | 兜攬 | |
兜肚 dōu du | undergarment covering the chest and abdomen | 兜肚 dōu du | |
兜捕 dōu bǔ | to round up (fugitives) | 兜捕 dōu bǔ | |
挎兜 kuà dōu | satchel | 挎兜 kuà dōu |
兜 dōu Decomposition & Compounds
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