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Chinese word 交叉 jiāochā .
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ready to practice writing it yourself.
Example sentences using 交叉 jiāochā
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 交叉 jiāochā in different contexts.
最初 zuìchū 粗糙 cūcāo 地 de 刻 kè 在 zài 墓碑 mù bēi 上 shǎng 的 de 骷髅 kū lóu 与 yú 交叉 jiāochā 的 de 大腿骨图形 tú xíng ,已为带 dài 翅膀 chìbǎng 的 de 天使 tiān shǐ 所 suǒ 代替 dàitì .
The skull - and - crossbones crudely carved on the first tombstones was replaced by a winged cherub.
树干 shù gàn 的 de 浓 nóng 阴 Yīn 里 lǐ 那 Nā 个 gè 人 rén 把 bǎ 交叉 jiāochā 的 de 双 Shuāng 腿 tuǐ 放开 fàng kāi ,用 yòng 脚趾 jiǎo zhǐ 掘 jué 着 zhāo 泥土 ní tǔ .
The man in the absolute shade uncrossed his legs and dug with toes at the earth.
交叉 jiāochā Compounds
See all 61 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 交叉 jiāochā in their composition.
- 交 jiāo
- 效 xiào
- 傚 xiào
- 効
- 俲
- 頝
- 纐
- 校 jiào , 较 jiào , 咬 yǎo , 胶 jiāo , 狡 jiǎo , 郊 Jiāo , 跤 jiāo , 绞 jiǎo , 饺 jiǎo , 佼 jiǎo , 铰 jiǎo , 皎 jiǎo , 鲛 jiāo , 姣 jiāo , 蛟 jiāo , 鮫 jiāo , 恔 xiào , 挍 jiào , 洨 xiáo , 珓 jiào , 窔 yǎo , 筊 xiáo , 茭 jiāo , 詨 jiāo , 峧, 晈, 烄, 絞 jiǎo , 虠, 賋, 較 jiào , 鉸 jiǎo , 餃 jiǎo , 駮 bó , 骹, 鵁, 齩
- 叉 chā