串 chuàn
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串 chuàn Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 11 English Translations of the word 串 chuàn .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- chuàn | chuan4
- English translation
- to string together
- to mix up
- to conspire
- to rove
- to make a swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus)
- to move across
- bunch or cluster
- string (computing)
- classifier for rows or strings
- string; relatives; to conspire
Learn the Chinese word 串 chuàn in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 串 chuàn .
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Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 串 chuàn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 串 chuàn in different contexts.
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跟随 gēnsuí 鲁珀特,他 tā 拾 shè 起 qǐ 一 yī 串 chuàn 新 Xīn 的 de 珍宝 zhēn bǎo 足迹 zú jì !
Follow Rupert as he picks up a new treasure trail!
附近 fùjìn 一 yī 抹 mā 微云形 xíng 如 rú 一 yī 串 chuàn 鼓鼓囊囊 gǔ gu nāng nāng 的 de 小 xiǎo 香肠 xiāngcháng .
There was a string of tiny clouds shaped like miniature plump sausages.
Words with 串 chuàn
Explore 21 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 串 chuàn in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
串 chuàn | to skewer | 串 chuàn | |
一连串 yī lián chuàn | a succession of | 一連串 | |
客串 kè chuàn | to substitute for | 客串 kè chuàn | |
串通 chuàn tōng | to collude | 串通 chuàn tōng | |
串门 chuàn mén | to call on sb | 串門 | |
串联 chuàn lián | to establish ties or contact | 串聯 | |
反串 fǎn chuàn | to masquerade as an opponent | 反串 fǎn chuàn | |
串行 chuàn háng | to miss a line | 串行 chuàn háng | |
字符串 zì fú chuàn | string (computer science) | 字符串 zì fú chuàn | |
串口 chuàn kǒu | serial port (computing) | 串口 chuàn kǒu | |
羊肉串 yáng ròu chuàn | lamb kebab | 羊肉串 yáng ròu chuàn | |
连串 lián chuàn | one after the other | 連串 | |
串通一气 chuàn tōng yī qì | to act in collusion (idiom) | 串通一氣 | |
串供 chuàn gòng | to collude to fabricate a story | 串供 chuàn gòng | |
贯串 guàn chuàn | to pierce through | 貫串 | |
串换 chuàn huàn | to exchange | 串換 | |
串味 chuàn wèi | to pick up an odor | 串味 chuàn wèi | |
串门子 chuàn mén zi | to call on sb | 串門子 | |
钱串 qián chuàn | string of cash | 錢串 | |
串乡 chuàn xiāng | to go from village to village (like an itinerant artist) | 串鄉 | |
串音 chuàn yīn | crosstalk | 串音 chuàn yīn |
串 chuàn Decomposition & Compounds
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