销 xiāo
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销 xiāo Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 9 English Translations of the word 销 xiāo .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- xiāo | xiao1
- English translation
- to melt (metal)
- to cancel or annul
- to sell
- to spend
- to fasten with a bolt
- bolt or pin
- to fuse, to melt; to market, to sell
Learn the Chinese word 销 xiāo in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 销 xiāo .
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Example sentences using 销 xiāo
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 销 xiāo in different contexts.
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他 tā 砰 pēng 地 de 一声 yī shēng 关 Guān 上门 shàng mén ,把 bǎ 插销 chā xiāo 拴 shuān 好 hǎo .
He slammed the door and drove the bolt home.
他 tā 推 tuī 上 shǎng 插 chā 销 xiāo ,使 shǐ 门 Mén 不 bù 摇晃 yáo huàng .
He slides the bolt in place to keep the door from swinging.
Words with 销 xiāo
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 销 xiāo in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
销售 xiāoshòu | to sell | 銷售 | |
撤销 chèxiāo | to repeal | 撤銷 | |
推销 tuīxiāo | to market | 推銷 | |
营销 yíng xiāo | marketing | 營銷 | |
销量 xiāo liàng | sales volume | 銷量 | |
销毁 xiāohuǐ | to obliterate | 銷毀 | |
促销 cù xiāo | to promote sales | 促銷 | |
经销商 jīng xiāo shāng | dealer | 經銷商 | |
推销员 tuī xiāo yuán | salesperson | 推銷員 | |
销 xiāo | to sell | 銷 xiāo | |
畅销 chàngxiāo | to sell well | 暢銷 | |
热销 rè xiāo | to sell well | 熱銷 | |
销售额 xiāo shòu é | sales figure | 銷售額 | |
开销 kāi xiāo | expenses | 開銷 | |
吊销 diào xiāo | to revoke | 吊銷 | |
报销 bàoxiāo | to write off | 報銷 | |
畅销书 chàng xiāo shū | best-seller | 暢銷書 | |
销魂 xiāo hún | ecstasy | 銷魂 | |
注销 zhù xiāo | to cancel | 註銷 | |
倾销 qīng xiāo | to dump (goods, products) | 傾銷 | |
直销 zhí xiāo | to sell directly | 直銷 | |
传销 chuán xiāo | multi-level marketing | 傳銷 | |
分销 fēn xiāo | distribution | 分銷 | |
销声匿迹 xiāo shēng nì jì | to lie low | 銷聲匿跡 |