索 Suǒ
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索 Suǒ Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 15 English Translations of the word 索 Suǒ .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- Suǒ | Suo3
- English translation
- surname Suo
- abbr. for 索馬里
- >索马里 Suǒ mǎ lǐ [Suǒ mǎ lǐ], Somalia
- to search
- to demand
- to ask
- to exact
- large rope
- isolated
- cable, rope; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, to inquire
Learn the Chinese word 索 Suǒ in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
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Chinese word 索 Suǒ .
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Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 索 Suǒ
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 索 Suǒ in different contexts.
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克罗伊敦 dūn 公爵 gōng jué 仔细 zǐxì 察看 chá kàn 着 zhāo 一 yī 张 Zhāng 摊 tān 开 kāi 的 de 埃 āi 索 Suǒ 公路 gōng lù 图 tú .
The Duke of Croydon proed over an opened Esso road map.
等 děng 她 tā 朦朦胧胧地刚离开 líkāi 思索 sīsuǒ 将要 jiāng yào 睡 shuì 去 qù , 春宝又 yòu 醒 xǐng 了 le .
As she was about to doze off, Chun Bao woke up.
所有 suǒyǒu 定制 dìng zhì 为 wéi 五秒的 de 手雷 shǒu léi 导火索 dǎo huǒ suǒ 都 dōu 会 huì 在 zài 三秒内 nèi 烧 shāo 完 wán .
All five - second grenade fusewill burn down in three seconds.
Words with 索 Suǒ
Explore 23 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 索 Suǒ in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
线索 xiànsuǒ | trail | 線索 | |
搜索 sōusuǒ | to search (a place) | 搜索 sōusuǒ | |
探索 tànsuǒ | to explore | 探索 tànsuǒ | |
索 Suǒ | to search | 索 Suǒ | |
索尼 Suǒ ní | Sony | 索尼 Suǒ ní | |
检索 jiǎn suǒ | to look up | 檢索 | |
勒索 lè suǒ | to blackmail | 勒索 lè suǒ | |
索赔 suǒ péi | to claim damages | 索賠 | |
思索 sīsuǒ | to ponder | 思索 sīsuǒ | |
摸索 mōsuo | to feel about | 摸索 mōsuo | |
绳索 shéng suǒ | rope | 繩索 | |
索要 suǒ yào | to ask for | 索要 suǒ yào | |
索取 suǒqǔ | to ask | 索取 suǒqǔ | |
索性 suǒxìng | simply | 索性 suǒxìng | |
索马里 Suǒ mǎ lǐ | Somalia | 索馬裡 | |
毕加索 Bì jiā suǒ | Picasso | 畢加索 | |
利索 lì suo | nimble | 利索 lì suo | |
敲诈勒索 qiāo zhà lè suǒ | extortion and blackmail (idiom) | 敲詐勒索 | |
导火索 dǎo huǒ suǒ | fuse (for explosive) | 導火索 | |
索引 suǒ yǐn | index | 索引 suǒ yǐn | |
科索沃 Kē suǒ wò | Kosovo | 科索沃 Kē suǒ wò | |
索尔 Suǒ ěr | Thor (Norse god of thunder) | 索爾 | |
比索 Bǐ suǒ | Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau (Tw) | 比索 Bǐ suǒ |
索 Suǒ Decomposition & Compounds
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