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nóng Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 5 English Translations of the word nóng .

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Pīnyīn Pronunciation
nóng | nong2
English translation
strong (smell etc)
concentrated, dense, strong, thick

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About nóng

Read some general information about the Chinese word nóng .

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Number of strokes


Traditional form


Contains the radical


Part of speech

Adjective / 形容词 xíng róng cí Xíngróng cí

Learning hint


Etymology of nóng

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word nóng .

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Positional decomposition


Semantic compound


Phonetic compound



Phonosemantic compound. shuǐ represents the meaning and Nóng represents the sound. Simplified form of nóng .

Write it!

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Chinese word nóng .
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Example sentences using nóng

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word nóng in different contexts.

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我们 wǒmen 十分 shífēn 详细 xiángxì de 讨论 tǎolùn le 浓密 nóng mì de Lěng 分子 fèn zǐ yún 如何 rúhé 凝聚 níngjù Chéng yuán 恒星 héng xīng .

We recounted in detail how dense, cool molecular clouds condense into protostars.

zài gài 离子 lí zǐ 浓度 nóng dù Gāo shí ,他们 tā men 融合 róng hé ér 解体 jiětǐ .

At high calcium concentration they fuse without lysis.

yāo shì chá tài nóng , tiān diǎn 热水 rè shuǐ .

If the tea is too strong, add some hot water.

Huán 含有 hán yǒu 高浓度 de 脯氨酸 pú ān suān 羟脯氨酸.

It also contains high concentrations of proline and hydroxyproline.

zhè kuǎn chì xiá zhū shì 果香浓郁 nóng yù 简洁明了 de Hóng 葡萄酒 pú tao jiǔ .

This Cabernet Sauvignon is a fruity and uncomplicated red wine.

Words with nóng

Explore 19 words and sayings that include the Chinese character nóng in their composition.

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nóng dense nóng
浓度 nóng dù consistency濃度
浓缩 nóng suō concentration濃縮
浓厚 nónghòu dense濃厚
浓烟 nóng yān thick smoke濃煙
浓郁 nóng yù rich濃郁
浓密 nóng mì thick濃密
浓汤 nóng tāng puree濃湯
浓烈 nóng liè strong (taste, flavor, smell)濃烈
浓重 nóng zhòng dense濃重
浓雾 nóng wù thick fog濃霧
浓妆艳抹 nóng zhuāng yàn mǒ to apply makeup conspicuously (idiom)濃妝艷抹
浓缩铀 nóng suō yóu enriched uranium濃縮鈾
浓香 nóng xiāng pungent濃香
浓墨重彩 nóng mò zhòng cǎi thick and heavy in colors濃墨重彩
浓妆 nóng zhuāng heavy makeup and gaudy dress濃妝
浓艳 nóng yàn rich濃艷
浓淡 nóng dàn shade (of a color, i.e. light or dark)濃淡
浓眉大眼 nóng méi dà yǎn thick eyebrows and big eyes濃眉大眼

nóng Decomposition & Compounds

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nóng Decomposition

See the 2 Chinese characters that make up nóng and their own compounds.

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A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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