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Chinese word 旦 dàn .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 旦 dàn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 旦 dàn in different contexts.
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她 tā 一旦 yīdàn 变 biàn 富 Fù 就 jiù 把 bǎ 所有 suǒyǒu 的 de 老朋友 lǎo péng you 都 dōu 甩 shuǎi 了 le .
As soon as she became rich, she cast aside all her old friends.
人 rén 有 yǒu 旦夕祸福, 月 yuè 有 yǒu 阴 Yīn 晴 qíng 圆 yuán 缺 quē .
Men are subject to sudden changes of fortune as the moon is subject to the changes of being full and crescent, cloudy and clear.
克朗 kè lǎng 彻 chè 先生 Xiānsheng 觉得 juéde 有点 yǒu diǎn 扫兴 sǎo xìng , 解释 jiěshì 说 shuì 他 tā 指 zhǐ 的 de 是 shì “ 老 lǎo 撒旦 Sā dàn ”.
Mr. Cruncher, with some diffidence, explained himself as meaning'Old Nick's.'
Words with 旦 dàn
Explore 21 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 旦 dàn in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
一旦 yīdàn | if | 一旦 yīdàn | |
元旦 Yuándàn | New Year's Day | 元旦 Yuándàn | |
撒旦 Sā dàn | Satan or Shaitan | 撒旦 Sā dàn | |
约旦 Yuē dàn | Jordan | 約旦 | |
旦 dàn | dawn | 旦 dàn | |
复旦大学 Fù dàn Dà xué | Fudan University, Shanghai | 復旦大學 | |
危在旦夕 wēi zài dàn xī | in imminent peril (idiom) | 危在旦夕 wēi zài dàn xī | |
复旦 Fù dàn | Fudan University, Shanghai, abbr. for 復旦大學|复旦大学 Fù dàn Dà xué [FùdànDàxué] | 復旦 | |
约旦河 Yuē dàn Hé | Jordan River | 約旦河 | |
信誓旦旦 xìn shì dàn dàn | to make a solemn vow | 信誓旦旦 xìn shì dàn dàn | |
花旦 huā dàn | role of vivacious young female in Chinese opera | 花旦 huā dàn | |
通宵达旦 tōng xiāo dá dàn | day and night | 通宵達旦 | |
老旦 lǎo dàn | old woman role in Chinese opera | 老旦 lǎo dàn | |
旦角 dàn jué | dan, female roles in Chinese opera (traditionally played by specialized male actors) | 旦角 dàn jué | |
刀马旦 dāo mǎ dàn | female warrior role in Chinese opera | 刀馬旦 | |
李旦 Lǐ Dàn | Li Dan, personal name of sixth Tang emperor Ruizong 唐睿宗 Táng Ruì zōng [TángRuìzōng] (662-716), reigned 684-690 and 710-712 | 李旦 Lǐ Dàn | |
文旦 wén dàn | pomelo | 文旦 wén dàn | |
枕戈待旦 zhěn gē dài dàn | to wait for dawn, one's head resting on a spear (idiom) | 枕戈待旦 zhěn gē dài dàn | |
命在旦夕 mìng zài dàn xī | to be at death's door (idiom) | 命在旦夕 mìng zài dàn xī | |
震旦纪 zhèn dàn jì | Sinian (c. 800-542 million years ago), late phase of pre-Cambrian geological era | 震旦紀 | |
巴旦杏 bā dàn xìng | almond (loanword) | 巴旦杏 bā dàn xìng |
旦 dàn Decomposition & Compounds
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旦 dàn Compounds
See all 46 Chinese words that contain the character 旦 dàn in their composition.