拼 pīn
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拼 pīn Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 8 English Translations of the word 拼 pīn .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- pīn | pin1
- English translation
- to piece together
- to join together
- to stake all
- adventurous
- at the risk of one's life
- to spell
- to link, to join together; to incorporate
Learn the Chinese word 拼 pīn in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
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Chinese word 拼 pīn .
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Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 拼 pīn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 拼 pīn in different contexts.
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领先 lǐngxiān 的 de 赛艇 sài tǐng 队员 duì yuán 拼命 pīnmìng 往 wǎng 前 qián 划 huá .
The winning crew rapidly forged ahead.
我们 wǒmen 有 yǒu 拼盘 pīn pán ,有 yǒu 金黄 jīn huáng 起 qǐ 司 Sī 条 tiáo 、 马铃薯 mǎ líng shǔ 皮 Pí 和 hé 辣 là 鸡翅.
We have a, with mozzarella sticks, potato skins, and wings.
Words with 拼 pīn
Explore 23 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 拼 pīn in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
拼 pīn | to stake all | 拼 pīn | |
拼命 pīnmìng | to do one's utmost | 拼命 pīnmìng | |
拼图 pīn tú | jigsaw puzzle | 拼圖 | |
拼搏 pīnbó | to struggle | 拼搏 pīnbó | |
拼写 pīn xiě | to spell | 拼寫 | |
拼接 pīn jiē | to join | 拼接 pīn jiē | |
拼凑 pīn còu | to assemble | 拼湊 | |
拼抢 pīn qiǎng | to fight desperately (at the risk of one's life) | 拼搶 | |
拼音 pīnyīn | phonetic writing | 拼音 pīnyīn | |
拼死 pīn sǐ | to go all out for sth at risk of one's life | 拼死 pīn sǐ | |
拼盘 pīn pán | sampler platter | 拼盤 | |
拼杀 pīn shā | to grapple (with the enemy) | 拼殺 | |
拼装 pīn zhuāng | to assemble | 拼裝 | |
拼死拼活 pīn sǐ pīn huó | one's utmost | 拼死拼活 pīn sǐ pīn huó | |
汉语拼音 Hàn yǔ Pīn yīn | Hanyu Pinyin, the romanization system used in the PRC since the 1960s | 漢語拼音 | |
拼版 pīn bǎn | to typeset | 拼版 pīn bǎn | |
拼争 pīn zhēng | to fight desperately | 拼爭 | |
拼合 pīn hé | to fit together | 拼合 pīn hé | |
拼力 pīn lì | to spare no efforts | 拼力 pīn lì | |
拼错 pīn cuò | to misspell | 拼錯 | |
拼音文字 pīn yīn wén zì | phonetic alphabet | 拼音文字 pīn yīn wén zì | |
拼刺刀 pīn cì dāo | bayonet charge | 拼刺刀 pīn cì dāo | |
拼字 pīn zì | to spell | 拼字 pīn zì |