强 Qiáng
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强 Qiáng Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 20 English Translations of the word 强 Qiáng .
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Learn the Chinese word 强 Qiáng in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 强 Qiáng .
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Example sentences using 强 Qiáng
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 强 Qiáng in different contexts.
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我 wǒ 踮 diǎn 起脚才 cái 勉强 miǎnqiǎng 够 gòu 着 zhāo 电钮 diàn niǔ .
By standing on tip - toe, I managed to reach the button.
呈现 chéngxiàn 了 le 强烈 qiángliè 的 de 成熟 chéngshú 浆果 jiāng guǒ 的 de 味道 wèidao , 香甜 xiāng tián 而 ér 微 Wēi 辣 là .
The aroma displays intense, ripe mulberry fruit with sweet spicy notes.
他 tā 强 Qiáng 忍 rěn 住 zhù 愤怒 fènnù ,憋 biē 回 huí 了 le 尖刻 jiān kè 的 de 答话 dá huà .
He choked down his anger and choked back a sharp reply.
Words with 强 Qiáng
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 强 Qiáng in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
强 Qiáng | strong | 強 qiáng | |
加强 jiā qiáng | to reinforce | 加強 | |
强大 qiáng dà | large | 強大 | |
强烈 qiángliè | intense | 強烈 | |
坚强 jiānqiáng | staunch | 堅強 | |
强调 qiángdiào | to stress | 強調 | |
增强 zēng qiáng | to increase | 增強 | |
强奸 qiáng jiān | to rape | 強姦 | |
强迫 qiǎngpò | to compel | 強迫 | |
强壮 qiáng zhuàng | strong | 強壯 | |
强化 qiáng huà | to strengthen | 強化 | |
强制 qiángzhì | to enforce | 強制 | |
强度 qiáng dù | strength | 強度 | |
勉强 miǎnqiǎng | reluctant | 勉強 | |
强劲 qiáng jìng | strong | 強勁 | |
强硬 qiáng yìng | tough | 強硬 | |
强行 qiáng xíng | to do sth by force | 強行 | |
强盗 qiáng dào | bandit | 強盜 | |
强力 qiáng lì | powerful | 強力 | |
强悍 qiáng hàn | valiant | 強悍 | |
强暴 qiáng bào | violent | 強暴 | |
顽强 wánqiáng | tenacious | 頑強 | |
强有力 qiáng yǒu lì | strong | 強有力 | |
强势 qiáng shì | strong | 強勢 | |
强奸犯 qiáng jiān fàn | rapist | 強姦犯 |
强 Qiáng Decomposition & Compounds
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