夹 jiā
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夹 jiā Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 21 English Translations of the word 夹 jiā .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- jiā | jia1
- English translation
- to press from either side
- to place in between
- to sandwich
- to carry sth under armpit
- wedged between
- between
- to intersperse
- to mix
- to mingle
- clip
- folder
- Taiwan pr. [jiá]
- double-layered
- lined (garment)
- variant of 夾 jiā
- >夹 jiā [jiá]
- Taiwan pr. used in 夾生
- >夹生 jiā shēng [jiā shēng] and 夾竹桃
- >夹竹桃 jiā zhú táo [jiā zhú táo]
- to support; to be wedged between
Learn the Chinese word 夹 jiā in 8 easy steps:
ideographicPositional decomposition
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Example sentences using 夹 jiā
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 夹 jiā in different contexts.
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如果 rúguǒ 你 nǐ 不 bù 在 zài 五秒之内 zhī nèi 说 shuì 些 xiē 什么 shénme , 我 wǒ 就 jiù 会 huì 知道 zhīdào 这 zhè 件 jiàn 夹克 jiā kè 超过 chāoguò 1000.
If you don't say anything in five seconds, I'll know it was over
那 Nā 是 shì 一种 yī zhǒng 很 hěn 漂亮 piàoliang 的 de 钱 Qián 夹 jiā ( wallet男 nán 用 yòng ,purse女 nǚ 用 yòng ), 但 dàn 价钱 jià qian 太 tài 贵 guì 了 le .
That's beautiful leather wallet ( purse ), but it costs too much.
好 hǎo 吧 bā , 我 wǒ 已经 yǐjīng 决定 juédìng 买 mǎi 这件夹克衫了 le . 多少 duōshǎo 钱 Qián ?
OK, I have decided on buying the jacket. How much is it?
Words with 夹 jiā
Explore 22 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 夹 jiā in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
夹 jiā | to sandwich | 夾 jiā | |
夹克 jiā kè | jacket (loanword) | 夾克 | |
文件夹 wén jiàn jiā | folder | 文件夾 | |
夹杂 jiāzá | to mingle | 夾雜 | |
夹子 jiāzi | clip | 夾子 | |
皮夹 pí jiā | wallet | 皮夾 | |
夹心 jiā xīn | stuffed | 夾心 | |
夹层 jiā céng | mezzanine | 夾層 | |
夹击 jiā jī | pincer attack | 夾擊 | |
发夹 fà jiā | hair clip | 髮夾 | |
雨夹雪 yǔ jiā xuě | sleet | 雨夾雪 | |
弹夹 dàn jiā | ammunition clip | 彈夾 | |
夹板 jiā bǎn | splint | 夾板 | |
夹带 jiā dài | to carry within it | 夾帶 | |
夹缝 jiā fèng | crack | 夾縫 | |
钱夹 qián jiā | wallet | 錢夾 | |
夹角 jiā jiǎo | angle (between two intersecting lines) | 夾角 | |
夹攻 jiā gōng | pincer movement | 夾攻 | |
夹具 jiā jù | clamp | 夾具 | |
夹道欢迎 jiā dào huān yíng | to line the streets in welcome | 夾道歡迎 | |
夹道 jiā dào | to line the street | 夾道 | |
夹竹桃 jiā zhú táo | oleander (Nerium indicum) | 夾竹桃 |
夹 jiā Decomposition & Compounds
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