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jiàng Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 9 English Translations of the word jiàng .

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Pīnyīn Pronunciation
jiàng | jiang4
English translation
to drop
to fall
to come down
to descend
to descend, to fall; to drop, to lower
Pīnyīn Pronunciation
xiáng | xiang2
English translation
to surrender
to capitulate
to subdue
to tame

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About jiàng

Read some general information about the Chinese word jiàng .

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Number of strokes


Traditional form


Contains the radical

Part of speech

Verb / 动词 dòng cí Dòngcí

Learning hint


Etymology of jiàng

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word jiàng .

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Positional decomposition


Semantic compound

Phonetic compound



Depicts two feet ( zhǐ ) descending down a hill ().

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Chinese word jiàng .
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Example sentences using jiàng

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word jiàng in different contexts.

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Shū de 标价 biāo jià jiàng wéi 49 fēn .

He marked the book down to 49 cents.

眯起眼睛 yǎnjing , kān zhāo 那些 nà xiē 色彩 sècǎi 鲜明 xiānmíng de 人影 Cóng 山上 Shān shàng Xiàng fēi jiàng .

He squinted at the brightly colored figures swooping toward him down the hill.

dāng kuài yún 突然 tūrán biàn Lěng shí , jiù 降雨 jiàng yǔ huò 降雪 jiàng xuě .

Rain or snow falls when a cloud is cooled suddenly.

běn 地区 dìqū 去年 qùnián de 降雨量 jiàng yǔ liàng 不足 bùzú 50毫米 háomǐ .

The annual rainfall in this area was less than 50 mm last year.

人们 rén men 有时 yǒu shí zài yún 播撒 bō sǎ 碘化银 diǎn huà yín ,诱使 yòu shǐ 降雨 jiàng yǔ .

Clouds are sometimes seeded with silver iodide to induce precipitation.

Words with jiàng

Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character jiàng in their composition.

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下降 xià jiàng to decline下降 xià jiàng
降低 jiàngdī to reduce降低 jiàngdī
jiàng to drop jiàng
降落 jiàngluò to descend降落 jiàngluò
投降 tóuxiáng to surrender投降 tóuxiáng
降临 jiànglín to descend降臨
降价 jiàng jià to cut the price降價
降落伞 jiàng luò sǎn parachute降落傘
降温 jiàng wēn cooling降溫
从天而降 cóng tiān ér jiàng lit. to drop from the sky (idiom)從天而降
降雨 jiàng yǔ rainfall降雨 jiàng yǔ
降级 jiàng jí to demote降級
降生 jiàng shēng to be born降生 jiàng shēng
降水 jiàng shuǐ rain and snow降水 jiàng shuǐ
升降 shēng jiàng rising and lowering昇降
降解 jiàng jiě to degrade降解 jiàng jiě
迫降 pò jiàng to force a plane to land迫降 pò jiàng
升降机 shēng jiàng jī lift升降機
降压 jiàng yā to lower one's blood pressure降壓
空降 kōng jiàng to drop from the sky空降 kōng jiàng
沉降 chén jiàng to subside沉降 chén jiàng
降下 jiàng xià to fall降下 jiàng xià
降雪 jiàng xuě to snow降雪 jiàng xuě
起降 qǐ jiàng (of aircraft) to take off and land起降 qǐ jiàng
降雨量 jiàng yǔ liàng precipitation降雨量 jiàng yǔ liàng

jiàng Decomposition & Compounds

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jiàng Decomposition

See the 4 Chinese characters that make up jiàng and their own compounds.

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A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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