降 jiàng
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降 jiàng Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 9 English Translations of the word 降 jiàng .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- jiàng | jiang4
- English translation
- to drop
- to fall
- to come down
- to descend
- to descend, to fall; to drop, to lower
- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- xiáng | xiang2
- English translation
- to surrender
- to capitulate
- to subdue
- to tame
Learn the Chinese word 降 jiàng in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 降 jiàng .
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Example sentences using 降 jiàng
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 降 jiàng in different contexts.
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他 tā 眯起眼睛 yǎnjing ,看 kān 着 zhāo 那些 nà xiē 色彩 sècǎi 鲜明 xiānmíng 的 de 人影从 Cóng 山上 Shān shàng 向 Xiàng 他 tā 飞 fēi 降 jiàng .
He squinted at the brightly colored figures swooping toward him down the hill.
当 dāng 一 yī 块 kuài 云 yún 突然 tūrán 变 biàn 冷 Lěng 时 shí ,就 jiù 降雨 jiàng yǔ 或 huò 降雪 jiàng xuě .
Rain or snow falls when a cloud is cooled suddenly.
Words with 降 jiàng
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 降 jiàng in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
下降 xià jiàng | to decline | 下降 xià jiàng | |
降低 jiàngdī | to reduce | 降低 jiàngdī | |
降 jiàng | to drop | 降 jiàng | |
降落 jiàngluò | to descend | 降落 jiàngluò | |
投降 tóuxiáng | to surrender | 投降 tóuxiáng | |
降临 jiànglín | to descend | 降臨 | |
降价 jiàng jià | to cut the price | 降價 | |
降落伞 jiàng luò sǎn | parachute | 降落傘 | |
降温 jiàng wēn | cooling | 降溫 | |
从天而降 cóng tiān ér jiàng | lit. to drop from the sky (idiom) | 從天而降 | |
降雨 jiàng yǔ | rainfall | 降雨 jiàng yǔ | |
降级 jiàng jí | to demote | 降級 | |
降生 jiàng shēng | to be born | 降生 jiàng shēng | |
降水 jiàng shuǐ | rain and snow | 降水 jiàng shuǐ | |
升降 shēng jiàng | rising and lowering | 昇降 | |
降解 jiàng jiě | to degrade | 降解 jiàng jiě | |
迫降 pò jiàng | to force a plane to land | 迫降 pò jiàng | |
升降机 shēng jiàng jī | lift | 升降機 | |
降压 jiàng yā | to lower one's blood pressure | 降壓 | |
空降 kōng jiàng | to drop from the sky | 空降 kōng jiàng | |
沉降 chén jiàng | to subside | 沉降 chén jiàng | |
降下 jiàng xià | to fall | 降下 jiàng xià | |
降雪 jiàng xuě | to snow | 降雪 jiàng xuě | |
起降 qǐ jiàng | (of aircraft) to take off and land | 起降 qǐ jiàng | |
降雨量 jiàng yǔ liàng | precipitation | 降雨量 jiàng yǔ liàng |