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jǐn Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 12 English Translations of the word jǐn .

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Pīnyīn Pronunciation
jǐn | jin3
English translation
close at hand
hard up
short of money
to tighten
tense, tight, taut; firm, secure

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About jǐn

Read some general information about the Chinese word jǐn .

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Number of strokes


Traditional form


Contains the radical

Part of speech

Adjective / 形容词 xíng róng cí Xíngróng cí

Learning hint


Etymology of jǐn

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word jǐn .

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Positional decomposition


Semantic compound


Simplified form of jǐn . Phonosemantic compound. Chén represents the sound, while yòu and represent the meaning.

Write it!

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Chinese word jǐn .
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Example sentences using jǐn

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word jǐn in different contexts.

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Bié de 牙关 yá guān 咬得那么 nà me jǐn ,连上下颚 xià è dōu téng le .

Bigger's teeth clamped so tight that his jaws ached.

咱们 zámen zhè liǎng gēn 管子 Guǎnzǐ jiē 起来 qǐlai níng jǐn .

Let's screw the two pipes together end to end.

yǎn de 白光 Líng jǐn 双眼 shuāng yǎn .

The harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes.

zuì 紧张 jǐnzhāng 刺激 cìjī de 球赛 qiú sài shì 哈佛 Hā fó duì duì 耶鲁 Yē lǔ duì .

The most exciting game was Harvard versus Yale.

特迪 tān kāi 双手 shuāng shǒu ,好象 hǎo xiàng 怎么 zěnme shuì bìng 那么 nà me 要紧 yào jǐn 似的 shìde .

Teddy raised his hands as if the answer didn't matter.

Words with jǐn

Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character jǐn in their composition.

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紧张 jǐnzhāng nervous緊張
jǐn tight jǐn
紧急 jǐnjí urgent緊急
赶紧 gǎnjǐn hurriedly趕緊
抓紧 zhuājǐn to grasp firmly抓緊
紧紧 jǐn jǐn closely緊緊
紧密 jǐn mì inseparably close緊密
不要紧 bùyàojǐn unimportant不要緊
无关紧要 wú guān jǐn yào indifferent無關緊要
要紧 yào jǐn important要緊
加紧 jiā jǐn to intensify加緊
紧迫 jǐnpò pressing緊迫
紧跟 jǐn gēn to comply with緊跟
紧身 jǐn shēn skintight緊身
紧缩 jǐn suō to curtail緊縮
紧缺 jǐn quē scarce緊缺
紧贴 jǐn tiē to stick close to緊貼
紧凑 jǐn còu compact緊湊
收紧 shōu jǐn to tighten up (restrictions etc)收緊
紧握 jǐn wò to hold firmly, not let go緊握
紧要 jǐn yào critical緊要
紧邻 jǐn lín close neighbor緊鄰
紧要关头 jǐn yào guān tóu urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture緊要關頭
紧绷 jǐn bēng to stretch taut緊繃

jǐn Decomposition & Compounds

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jǐn Decomposition

See the 4 Chinese characters that make up jǐn and their own compounds.

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A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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