紧 jǐn
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紧 jǐn Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 12 English Translations of the word 紧 jǐn .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- jǐn | jin3
- English translation
- tight
- strict
- close at hand
- near
- urgent
- tense
- hard up
- short of money
- to tighten
- tense, tight, taut; firm, secure
Learn the Chinese word 紧 jǐn in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 紧 jǐn .
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Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 紧 jǐn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 紧 jǐn in different contexts.
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别 Bié 格 gé 的 de 牙关 yá guān 咬得那么 nà me 紧 jǐn ,连上下颚 xià è 都 dōu 疼 téng 了 le .
Bigger's teeth clamped so tight that his jaws ached.
咱们 zámen 把 bǎ 这 zhè 两 liǎng 根 gēn 管子 Guǎnzǐ 接 jiē 起来 qǐlai 拧 níng 紧 jǐn .
Let's screw the two pipes together end to end.
刺 cī 眼 yǎn 的 de 白光令 Líng 你 nǐ 紧 jǐn 眯 mí 双眼 shuāng yǎn .
The harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes.
Words with 紧 jǐn
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 紧 jǐn in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
紧张 jǐnzhāng | nervous | 緊張 | |
紧 jǐn | tight | 緊 jǐn | |
紧急 jǐnjí | urgent | 緊急 | |
赶紧 gǎnjǐn | hurriedly | 趕緊 | |
抓紧 zhuājǐn | to grasp firmly | 抓緊 | |
紧紧 jǐn jǐn | closely | 緊緊 | |
紧密 jǐn mì | inseparably close | 緊密 | |
不要紧 bùyàojǐn | unimportant | 不要緊 | |
无关紧要 wú guān jǐn yào | indifferent | 無關緊要 | |
要紧 yào jǐn | important | 要緊 | |
加紧 jiā jǐn | to intensify | 加緊 | |
紧迫 jǐnpò | pressing | 緊迫 | |
紧跟 jǐn gēn | to comply with | 緊跟 | |
紧身 jǐn shēn | skintight | 緊身 | |
紧缩 jǐn suō | to curtail | 緊縮 | |
紧缺 jǐn quē | scarce | 緊缺 | |
紧贴 jǐn tiē | to stick close to | 緊貼 | |
紧凑 jǐn còu | compact | 緊湊 | |
收紧 shōu jǐn | to tighten up (restrictions etc) | 收緊 | |
紧握 jǐn wò | to hold firmly, not let go | 緊握 | |
紧要 jǐn yào | critical | 緊要 | |
紧邻 jǐn lín | close neighbor | 緊鄰 | |
紧要关头 jǐn yào guān tóu | urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture | 緊要關頭 | |
紧绷 jǐn bēng | to stretch taut | 緊繃 |