Learn the Chinese word 文章 wénzhāng in 7 easy steps:
Pictograph of a man with writing (possibly a tattoo) on his chest. In later scripts the writing was abbreviated to a dot or omitted altogether.Positional decomposition
⿱亠乂Number of Strokes
Origin unclear.Positional decomposition
⿱音十Number of Strokes
11Write it!
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Chinese word 文章 wénzhāng .
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ready to practice writing it yourself.
Example sentences using 文章 wénzhāng
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 文章 wénzhāng in different contexts.
世事 shì shì 洞明皆 jiē 学问 xuéwèn , 人情 rén qíng 练达 liàn dá 即 jí 文章 wénzhāng .
A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge; an understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning.
从 Cóng 1915年 Nián 春 chūn 开始 kāishǐ , 他们 tā men 的 de 文章 wénzhāng 和 hé 书籍 shūjí 象 xiàng 洪水 hóngshuǐ 一般 yībān 泛滥 fànlàn .
Beginning in the spring of 1915, they poured out articles and books in a virtual flood.
文章 wénzhāng Compounds
See all 86 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 文章 wénzhāng in their composition.
- 文 Wén
- 斑 bān
- 癍 bān
- 刘 liú
- 浏 liú
- 虔 qián
- 嘑, 摢
- 吝 lìn
- 悋, 麐
- 闵 mǐn
- 悯 mǐn
- 旻 mín
- 琝 mín , 閺 wén , 渂
- 斉 qí
- 剤 jì , 済 jì , 緕
- 閔 mǐn
- 憫 mǐn , 潣, 燘, 簢
- 这 zhè , 纹 wén , 坟 fén , 斐 fěi , 蚊 wén , 紊 wěn , 斋 zhāi , 雯 wén , 斌 bīn , 汶 wèn , 斓 lán , 玟 wén , 紋 wén , 炆 wén , 対 duì , 妏 wèn , 忞 mín , 抆 wèn , 斎 zhāi , 斒 bān , 旼 mín , 珳 wén , 蚉 wén , 伩 xìn , 呅, 彣, 忟, 斈 xué , 斊, 斍, 斏, 斕 lán , 斖, 盿, 砇, 芠, 螡, 螤, 鈫, 馼, 魰, 鳼, 鴍, 鼤
- 章 Zhāng