推 tuī
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推 tuī Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 14 English Translations of the word 推 tuī .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- tuī | tui1
- English translation
- to push
- to cut
- to refuse
- to reject
- to decline
- to shirk (responsibility)
- to put off
- to delay
- to push forward
- to nominate
- to elect
- massage
- to push; to expel; to drive; to decline
Learn the Chinese word 推 tuī in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 推 tuī .
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Example sentences using 推 tuī
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 推 tuī in different contexts.
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我们 wǒmen 需要 xūyào 几 jī 个 gè 壮汉推 tuī 这 zhè 辆 liàng 车 Chē .
We need several sturdy men to push this car.
他 tā 从 Cóng 桌子 zhuōzi 那边 nà bian 把 bǎ 钱 Qián 朝 Cháo 我 wǒ 推 tuī 过来 guò lái .
He pushed the money towards me across the table.
你 nǐ 为什么 wèishénme 总 zǒng 想 xiǎng 把 bǎ 责任 zérèn 推 tuī 到 dào 我 wǒ 身上 shēn shang 呢 ne ?
Why are you trying to put the blame on me?
Words with 推 tuī
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 推 tuī in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
推 tuī | to push | 推 tuī | |
推荐 tuījiàn | to recommend | 推薦 | |
推出 tuī chū | to push out | 推出 tuī chū | |
推进 tuī jìn | to impel | 推進 | |
推动 tuī dòng | to promote | 推動 | |
推广 tuīguǎng | to extend | 推廣 | |
推测 tuīcè | speculation | 推測 | |
推销 tuīxiāo | to market | 推銷 | |
推迟 tuīchí | to postpone | 推遲 | |
推翻 tuīfān | to overthrow | 推翻 tuīfān | |
推行 tuī xíng | to carry out | 推行 tuī xíng | |
推断 tuī duàn | to infer | 推斷 | |
推理 tuīlǐ | reasoning | 推理 tuīlǐ | |
推开 tuī kāi | to push away | 推開 | |
推销员 tuī xiāo yuán | salesperson | 推銷員 | |
推倒 tuī dǎo | to push over | 推倒 tuī dǎo | |
推进器 tuī jìn qì | propeller | 推進器 | |
推荐信 tuī jiàn xìn | recommendation letter | 推薦信 | |
手推车 shǒu tuī chē | trolley | 手推車 | |
推论 tuīlùn | to infer | 推論 | |
推崇 tuī chóng | to esteem | 推崇 tuī chóng | |
推土机 tuī tǔ jī | bulldozer | 推土機 | |
推移 tuī yí | (of time) to elapse or pass | 推移 tuī yí | |
推卸 tuī xiè | to shift (the blame) | 推卸 tuī xiè |
推 tuī Decomposition & Compounds
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