Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 技 jì .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice.
To complete this step you need to write the word once.
Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 技 jì
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 技 jì in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
技术性 jì shù xìng 语言 yǔyán 必须 bìxū 被 bèi 浅 jiān 释 shì 成 Chéng 简单 jiǎndān 的 de 词句 cí jù .
Technical language needs to be translated into simpler terms.
把 bǎ 贵重 guì zhòng 物 wù 藏 Zàng 在 zài 小孩 xiǎo hái 身上 shēn shang 是 shì 犹太人 Yóu tài rén 的 de 惯技.
It's an old Yid trick to hide valuables on the children.
Words with 技 jì
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 技 jì in their composition.
To complete this step you need to read and scroll down.
Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
技术 jìshù | technology | 技術 | |
科技 kē jì | science and technology | 科技 kē jì | |
技巧 jìqiǎo | skill | 技巧 jìqiǎo | |
技能 jì néng | skill | 技能 jì néng | |
技 jì | skill | 技 jì | |
特技 tè jì | stunt | 特技 tè jì | |
演技 yǎn jì | acting | 演技 yǎn jì | |
竞技 jìng jì | athletics tournament | 競技 | |
科学技术 kē xué jì shù | science and technology | 科學技術 | |
高科技 gāo kē jì | high tech | 高科技 gāo kē jì | |
技师 jì shī | technician | 技師 | |
杂技 zájì | acrobatics | 雜技 | |
技艺 jì yì | skill | 技藝 | |
技术人员 jì shù rén yuán | technical staff | 技術人員 | |
新技术 xīn jì shù | new technology | 新技術 | |
竞技场 jìng jì chǎng | arena | 競技場 | |
技术员 jì shù yuán | technician | 技術員 | |
技工 jì gōng | skilled worker | 技工 jì gōng | |
口技 kǒu jì | beat boxing | 口技 kǒu jì | |
信息技术 xìn xī jì shù | IT | 信息技術 | |
绝技 jué jì | consummate skill | 絕技 | |
舞技 wǔ jì | dancing skill | 舞技 wǔ jì | |
技术性 jì shù xìng | technical | 技術性 | |
高技术 gāo jì shù | high technology | 高技術 |
技 jì Decomposition & Compounds
To complete this step you need to read and scroll down.