叶 xié
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叶 xié Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 7 English Translations of the word 叶 xié .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- xié | xie2
- English translation
- to be in harmony
- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- Yè | Ye4
- English translation
- surname Ye
- leaf
- page
- lobe
- (historical) period
- leaf, page; surname
Learn the Chinese word 叶 xié in 8 easy steps:
Positional decomposition
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Chinese word 叶 xié .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 叶 xié
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 叶 xié in different contexts.
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叶绿体 yè lǜ tǐ 的 de 套 tào 膜 mó 有 yǒu 紫 zǐ 黄质的淡黄色 huáng sè .
The chloroplast envelope has the light yellow color of violaxanthin.
我 wǒ 想 xiǎng 从 Cóng 贵 guì 公司 gōngsī 订购 dìng gòu 一些 yī xiē 茶叶 chá yè .
I'd like to place an order for some tea with you.
“ 下 xià 去 qù 吧 bā ? ” 叶梦指 zhǐ 着 zhāo 溪中一 yī 块 kuài 半 bàn 明半暗 àn 的 de 大 dà 黄石 Huáng shí , 悄声 qiǎo shēng 说 shuì .
" Let's go down there , " whispered Ye Meng , pointing towards a large, half - lit rock.
Words with 叶 xié
Explore 19 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 叶 xié in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
叶 xié | leaf | 葉 yè | |
茶叶 chá yè | tea | 茶葉 | |
叶子 yèzi | foliage | 葉子 | |
树叶 shù yè | tree leaves | 樹葉 | |
朱丽叶 Zhū lì yè | Juliet or Juliette (name) | 朱麗葉 | |
落叶 luò yè | dead leaves | 落葉 | |
叶片 yè piàn | vane | 葉片 | |
绿叶 lǜ yè | (fig.) actor playing a supporting role | 綠葉 | |
百叶窗 bǎi yè chuāng | shutter | 百葉窗 | |
烟叶 yān yè | leaf tobacco | 煙葉 | |
什叶派 Shí yè pài | Shia sect (of Islam) | 什葉派 | |
叶利钦 Yè lì qīn | Yeltsin (name) | 葉利欽 | |
枫叶 fēng yè | maple leaf | 楓葉 | |
三叶草 sān yè cǎo | clover | 三葉草 | |
枝叶 zhī yè | branch and leaf | 枝葉 | |
红叶 hóng yè | red autumnal leaves | 紅葉 | |
中叶 zhōng yè | middle period | 中葉 | |
叶酸 yè suān | folic acid | 葉酸 | |
秋叶 qiū yè | autumn leaf | 秋葉 |