入 rù
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入 rù Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 8 English Translations of the word 入 rù .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- rù | ru4
- English translation
- to enter
- to go into
- to join
- to become a member of
- to confirm or agree with
- abbr. for 入聲
- >入声 rù shēng [rù shēng]
- to enter, to come in; to join
Learn the Chinese word 入 rù in 8 easy steps:
ideographicPositional decomposition
Origin unclear. Variously explained a a pictograph of an entrance to a tent, or an arrow pointing forward.Write it!
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Chinese word 入 rù .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 入 rù
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 入 rù in different contexts.
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当 dāng 所有 suǒyǒu 的 de 庄稼 zhuāngjia 都 dōu 安全 ānquán 入仓后 Hòu , 农民 nóngmín 们 men 便 biàn 可以 kěyǐ 休息 xiūxi 了 le .
When all the crops are safely gathered in, the farmers can rest.
他 tā 只好 zhǐhǎo 靠着教 Jiào 夜校 yè xiào 的 de 收入 shōurù 将 jiāng 就 jiù 度日 dù rì .
He will have made do with his take from the night school.
在 zài 下 xià 一 yī 次 cì 试验 shìyàn 时 shí 需要 xūyào 注入 zhù rù 比重 bǐzhòng 较 jiào 高 Gāo 的 de 酸 suān .
The next trail would require a slightly higher filling density acid.
Words with 入 rù
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 入 rù in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
进入 jìn rù | to enter | 進入 | |
入 rù | to enter | 入 rù | |
加入 jiā rù | to join | 加入 jiā rù | |
收入 shōurù | to take in | 收入 shōurù | |
投入 tóurù | to throw into | 投入 tóurù | |
深入 shēn rù | thorough | 深入 shēn rù | |
陷入 xiànrù | to sink into | 陷入 xiànrù | |
入侵 rù qīn | to invade | 入侵 rù qīn | |
输入 shūrù | to import | 輸入 | |
入口 rùkǒu | entrance | 入口 rùkǒu | |
介入 jiè rù | to intervene | 介入 jiè rù | |
闯入 chuǎng rù | to intrude | 闖入 | |
注入 zhù rù | to pour into | 注入 zhù rù | |
侵入 qīn rù | to invade | 侵入 qīn rù | |
纳入 nà rù | to bring into | 納入 | |
卷入 juǎn rù | to be drawn into | 捲入 | |
列入 liè rù | to include on a list | 列入 liè rù | |
融入 róng rù | to blend into | 融入 róng rù | |
引入 yǐn rù | to draw into | 引入 yǐn rù | |
入睡 rù shuì | to fall asleep | 入睡 rù shuì | |
出入 chū rù | to go out and come in | 出入 chū rù | |
入学 rù xué | to enter a school or college | 入學 | |
入选 rù xuǎn | to be chosen | 入選 | |
步入 bù rù | to step into | 步入 bù rù | |
入手 rù shǒu | to begin | 入手 rù shǒu |
入 rù Decomposition & Compounds
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入 rù Compounds
See all 75 Chinese words that contain the character 入 rù in their composition.
- 入 rù
- 全 Quán
- 荃 quán
- 醛 quán
- 栓 shuān , 痊 quán , 拴 shuān , 诠 quán , 佺 quán , 牷 quán , 筌 quán , 跧 quán , 辁 quán , 铨 quán , 姾, 峑, 恮, 洤, 烇, 硂, 絟, 詮 quán , 輇, 酫, 銓 quán , 駩
- 內 nèi
- 肏 cào
- 佾 yì
- 兪 yú
- 偸 tōu , 喩 yù , 婾, 楡
- 汆 cuān
- 籴 dí
- 糴
- 兩 liǎng
- 滿 mǎn
- 懣 mèn , 濷
- 倆 liǎ , 暪 mèn , 樠 mén , 璊, 蜽 liǎng , 裲 liǎng , 鬗 màn , 啢, 慲, 掚, 瞞 mán , 緉, 脼, 蟎 mǎn , 襔, 蹣 pán , 輛 liàng , 鏋, 魎 liǎng
- 屳
- 佡 xiān
- 込 xx , 兦, 叺, 圦, 扖, 杁, 釞, 魞, 鳰