Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 任何 rènhé .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice writing it yourself.
Example sentences using 任何 rènhé
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 任何 rènhé in different contexts.
正是 zhèng shì 他 tā 对 duì 这些 zhè xiē 事物 shìwù 的 de 思念 sīniàn ,足以 zúyǐ 使 shǐ 任何 rènhé 苦痛 kǔ tòng 变甜, 足以 zúyǐ 医 yī 好 hǎo 任何 rènhé 创伤 chuāng shāng .
The very thought of these things was sufficient to sweeten any bitterness, and heal any wound.
现 xiàn 将 jiāng 该 gāi 地 de 按 àn 该 gāi 价 jià 出售 chū shòu ,任何人皆 jiē 可 kě 购买 gòu mǎi .
The land is now for sale at that price to anyone.
我 wǒ 爱 ài 吃 chī 甜 tián 的 de , 所以 suǒyǐ ,任何 rènhé 用 yòng 榴莲 liú lián 做 zuò 的 de 食品 shí pǐn ,都 dōu 是 shì 我的最 zuì 爱 ài .
I have a sweet tooth, so anything with durian is my favourite.
事实上 shì shí shàng , 任何 rènhé 矮 ǎi 质 zhì 度 dù 的 de 纸张 zhǐ zhāng 都 dōu 可以 kěyǐ 堵住 dǔ zhù 保持 bǎochí 图像 tú xiàng 噪声 zào shēng 举行 jǔxíng 模 mó 仿 fǎng .
In fact, any low quality paper to change image noise for impersonation.
这件事 shì 谁 shuí 也 Yě 不 bù 知道 zhīdào , 他 tā 又 yòu 不能 bù néng 对 duì 任何人提起 tí qǐ , 真是 zhēn shi 哑巴 yǎ ba 吃 chī 黄连 huáng lián , 有 yǒu 苦 kǔ 说不出 shuō bu chū .
No one knew of these transactions , nor was he going to mention them to anyone else. He was like the dumb man eating the bitter herb; he had to suffer in