Pictograph of a person whose face has been tattooed. In ancient China criminals were punished by having their faces permanently marked. Later writers reanalyzed the character as a chimney being blackened by fire, so the bottom component was changed to looPositional decomposition
⿱?灬 huǒNumber of Strokes
12Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 黑板 hēibǎn .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice writing it yourself.
Example sentences using 黑板 hēibǎn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 黑板 hēibǎn in different contexts.
请 qǐng 把 bǎ 黑板 hēibǎn 上 shǎng 的 de 字 zì 都 dōu 抄 chāo 下 xià 来 lái .
Please copy down all the words on the blackboard.
她 tā 的 de 名字 míngzi 已 yǐ 从 Cóng 黑板 hēibǎn 上 shǎng 划 huá 掉 diào .
Her name had been scored out on the blackboard.
五 wǔ 个 gè 核桃 hé tao , 你 nǐ 可以 kěyǐ 用 yòng 黑板 hēibǎn 扛 gāng 这个 zhè ge 病人 bìng rén 走 zǒu 吗 mǎ ?
For five nuts, will you carry the sick boy on your blackboard?
黑板 hēibǎn Compounds
See all 57 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 黑板 hēibǎn in their composition.
- 黑 Hēi
- 黨 dǎng
- 攩
- 儵
- 虪
- 點 diǎn
- 嚸
- 嘿 hēi , 默 mò , 墨 Mò , 黛 dài , 黯 àn , 黝 yǒu , 黔 qián , 黠 xiá , 黜 chù , 黢 qū , 黧 lí , 黩 dú , 嚜 me , 纆, 黓 yì , 黕 zhěn , 黗 tūn , 黟 yī , 黡 yǎn , 黥 qíng , 黦 yù , 黪 cǎn , 黮 tán , 黰 zhěn , 黱 dài , 儻 tǎng , 嫼, 戃, 曭, 欓, 潶, 濹, 灙, 爅, 爣, 癦, 矘, 蟔, 讜, 钂, 黖, 黚, 黣, 黤, 黫, 黬, 黭, 黲, 黳, 黴 méi
- 黵, 黶, 黷 dú , 黸
- 板 bǎn