Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 遇 Yù .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice.
To complete this step you need to write the word once.
Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 遇 Yù
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 遇 Yù in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
真 zhēn 够 gòu 怪 guài 的 de , 我 wǒ 昨天 zuótiān 也 Yě 遇见 yù jiàn 了 le 他 tā .
Curiously enough, I, too, met him yesterday.
他 tā 大 dà 夸 kuā 而 ér 特夸自己 zìjǐ 很 hěn 勇敢 yǒnggǎn , 但 dàn 一 yī 遇到 yùdào 危险 wēixiǎn ,他 tā 就 jiù 显得 xiǎnde 胆怯 dǎnqiè .
He boasted a lot about his courage, but when danger came he showed the white feather.
这个 zhè ge 老实 lǎoshi 的 de 乡下 xiāng xia 男孩 nán hái 遇上贼 zéi 了 le .
The honest country boy fell among thieves.
Words with 遇 Yù
Explore 23 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 遇 Yù in their composition.
To complete this step you need to read and scroll down.
Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
遇到 yùdào | to meet | 遇到 yùdào | |
遇 Yù | to meet | 遇 Yù | |
遇见 yù jiàn | to meet | 遇見 | |
遭遇 zāoyù | to meet with | 遭遇 zāoyù | |
机遇 jīyù | opportunity | 機遇 | |
待遇 dàiyù | pay | 待遇 dàiyù | |
相遇 xiāng yù | to meet | 相遇 xiāng yù | |
外遇 wài yù | extramarital affair | 外遇 wài yù | |
遇害 yù hài | to be murdered | 遇害 yù hài | |
遇难 yù nàn | to perish | 遇難 | |
偶遇 ǒu yù | a chance encounter | 偶遇 ǒu yù | |
遇难者 yù nàn zhě | victim | 遇難者 | |
境遇 jìng yù | circumstance | 境遇 jìng yù | |
礼遇 lǐ yù | courtesy | 禮遇 | |
遇刺 yù cì | to be attacked by an assassin | 遇刺 yù cì | |
遇险 yù xiǎn | to meet with danger | 遇險 | |
奇遇 qí yù | happy encounter | 奇遇 qí yù | |
随遇而安 suí yù ér ān | flexible | 隨遇而安 | |
际遇 jì yù | luck | 際遇 | |
不期而遇 bù qī ér yù | meet by chance | 不期而遇 bù qī ér yù | |
冷遇 lěng yù | a cold reception | 冷遇 lěng yù | |
可遇不可求 kě yù bù kě qiú | can be discovered but not sought (idiom) | 可遇不可求 kě yù bù kě qiú | |
百年不遇 bǎi nián bù yù | only met with once every hundred years (drought, flood etc) | 百年不遇 bǎi nián bù yù |